I dont know what it is but when I watch a movie with Clive Owen in it, I dont see the character he is supposed to play but always Clive Owen. Same shit is happening with Brat Pitt, George Clooney and loads of other mofos. I guess Id wanna see some new faces in major films, but I guess that's quite impossible to ask for since actors with big names very often make the movie (attract the cinema goers). Still, it sucks. It's like that thing with Ross, no matter how hard David Schwimmer tries, you just always see Ross. Which is kinda weird because it doesnt support my previously expressed concern. I dont know, Im just a bit sick of shit movies with shit actors who always look and act the same. Boring crap, thats what I call that.
That's because Clive Owen is a terrible actor.
Brad Pitt is a decent but very limited actor. He was great in things like "Thelma and Louise", where he's basically playing a good-looking bloke. "Seven" was waaaay beyond his abilities, and I didn't even watch Troy because the notion of him playing Achilles was just ridiculous.
Clooney, on the other hand, is an excellent actor, but I know what you mean, for some reason he's always Clooney.
I think there are three types of film actor - Chameleons, Stars and Vessels.
Chameleons are character actors. They actually act, in the sense of impersonate different people. They may not have the range to play
any part, but they can play many. Actors like Tim Robbins, Dustin Hoffman, John Tarturro, Robert Downey Junior, fit into this mould.
Stars are always basically themselves. The films work around their basic character. You go and see a John Wayne film for John Wayne, not some amazing new creation played by John Wayne. Same with Marlon Brando, Clint Eastwood, Jack Nicholson. It doesn't make you less of an actor - there's never been a better actor than Marlon Brando - it just means there's something about your personality and physicality that's inescapable.
There are less of these guys than there used to be - what's happened to the great heroic actors? I think Harrison Ford is one of these: even though on the surface Han Solo is a very different character from the ones in "Witness" or "The Fugitive" or "Presumed Innocent" (all of which are quite similar), there's a certain Harrison Fordness about all of them. Same goes for Russell Crowe, despite the fact that he thinks he's a great character actor, and (in his limited way) Arnie.
Vessels are actors like Tom Cruise. They have a kind of emptiness, into which the role of the hero can be poured. It's always Tom Cruise there, but you have no real conception of who Tom Cruise is in the way you do with Clint Eastwood. He doesn't embody any particular values, he's mainly constituted by his physical image and the (usually heroic) role of the character. The exception is "Rain Man", where Cruise puts in a genuinely excellent and particular, rather than typical, performance. Maybe that character is quite like who he really is?
Maybe Clooney's problem is that he should be a Star, but because he's a very good actor and has some political integrity, he wants to be a Chameleon. But whoever he's playing, he's always Clooney.
Clive Owen's got a similar problem, compounded by the fact that he's fecking shit.