I think it was something about how could Gordon Brown be seen as a hero among English people, then Frankie yelled out something like " He could save Maddie McCann from the jaws of a Great White Shark, and people will still see him as an incompetent cnut"
Then there was something about the credit crunch getting worse over the years to come then frankie again " At least Jade Goody won't have to worry about this, she hasn't got much time left"
And there were about 3 Katona jokes all cut.
They were 2 other good bits that should have stood. Their discussion on Noel Edmonds and the t.v licence's ( they were jus ripping the shit out of him and Mr.Blobby)
And the last was when this 11 year old kid called Felix sent in a drawing of how he thought MTW could be affect by CERN. It show'd Russell getting killed by a Dalek for some reason so Russell looked at the camera and said something along the lines of " I'm gonna find you , you little cnut, and i'm gonna feck you up, you little shit". The berating carried on for a bit with more of how they were gonna do this 11 year old kid, up the shitter . It was practically obvious stuff that was going to get cut. But it was feckin funny to watch.
There was also a Between the Lines and a NewsReel with Hugh, that got cut as well. 2 hours 45 recording ! Well worth it.