Michael Moore


Emmy Moses
Feb 5, 2006
4000+ miles west of old trafford
What are your thoughts on the fat bastard? I for one hate him. It's nothing to do with his politics, as I think sometimes he does raise some interesting points. I hate the way he makes movies. I hardly consider him a documentarian. His theatrics in each of his movies are over the top and stupid(ie taking people by boat to an island prison, Gitmo I think it was, which to get there they had to go through as he says 'mine infested waters'). It's also very ironic that he goes after rich companies/people when he needs rich companies/people to get his movies made and distributed.

I thought his columbine film was good, and had a good impact in causing wallmart to stop selling bullets.
Used to rate him when he first turned up - even went to see him do a live show and he was very good.

I still watch his films but he is obviously going for a mass market audience nowadays rather than making a high quality documentary
The core message he is trying to get across is usually sound and his documentaries are almost always entertaining.

I'm not too bothered about the fact that they're usually a load of emotive hokum when you bear these two points in mind. The primary purpose of any movie is to entertain.
Wasnt there a documentary by a dutch couple who at first liked him but then, during filming, completely changed their mind?
For him, its always polemic.

I dont like him, i think he goes way over the top and is guilty of the same ignorant inflammatory statements as the side he criticises, whether this is a result of being worn down or not i dont know, but he often doesnt engage in professional debate, more ridiculous publicity stunts.
The role of a documentary maker is to document what they find.

His approach is to decide on an outcome, and then manipulate events/facts to bring that result about.

That said, he raises interesting issues that might not otherwise find their way into the mainstream consciousness.
Not a fan. He picks some interesting topics to discuss, but his films invariably become about his presence on screen; and his supposedly amusing gags, and the attempts at mockery of opposing arguments pretty much ruin any impartial and interesting findings he might make if he made a non-partizan film. He also often fails to deal with the issue in question, in films like 'Sicko', where he should be documenting and cleverly comparing how the two types of health systems work, as opposed to showcasing a bunch of slanted interviews promoted to show one side of the debate as perfect, and a set of crude skits and wisecracking which put down his detractors. He also has terrible technique for a documentary maker, and gets much blander and less telling answers out of his subjects than Errol Morris or Nick Broomfield. Oh, and his films have singularly failed to change any legislation he rails against, which shows his polemic arguments don't sit well with sensible policy.

His films are entertaining, no doubt, but they don't have the same thought-provoking quality that Morris, for example, would engender in his films; and they're more satirical than they are sensible, meaning that as an exercise in learning they're basically a waste of a good couple of hours (Moore's that is). His politics aren't too agreeable and are overly simplified, as the OP suggested, but the main annoyance is that he's incapable of producing a two-sided documentary, instead providing waves of tiresome diatribe lapped up by a simplistic audience. He's either manipulative or just doesn't know any better. Sometimes fun to watch, but essentially a shite documentary maker.
For all the fat socialist worms fakery, he does do one thing that America is sorely lacking and that is actually look indepth at the problems the poor of the USA face. He holds a mirror up to their society, to show that in the land of the free, home of the brave were every man is equal, that some people are more equal than others. Just wish he could do it better and without the promotional stunts. His old series on Channel 4 was superb, well worth a look.