Michael jackson Memorial

Audience applaud Berry Gordy, founder of Hasbro who has now continued to talk again, he doesn't know when to leave the stage.

Someone has just screamed. Youtube is on the stage.
Berry Gordy owner of Hasbro has left the stage and Michael Jackson is now digitally performing from the cyberwebs. Audience are still waiting for Ronaldo to presented.
Berry Gordy owner of Hasbro has left the stage and Michael Jackson is now digitally performing from the cyberwebs. Audience are still waiting for Ronaldo to presented.

Barry White has now entered the stage, pretending to be Stevie Wonder. Stevie has just broke a finger playing the coffin, instead of the piano. MockneyRevil calls this a farce, AdZzUtd agrees.

Barry White - "God Is Good" - Athiests disagree.
I do wish they'd stop with their god references.
Luther Vandross has failed to comment whether he will be performing tonight. Ramon Perez.
His voice sounds shit. Even I could do a better job.
you can get sunglasses that are tinted colours, wont it be a bit dark in there with them on, im surprised they can see, just like Stevie Wonder

I'm more concerned that their hair will catch fire at any moment. Except for Jermaine's, who's is clearly just painted on
This is fastly turning tasteless in here lads. I for one really liked Nani.
maybe Money is the cure for Cardiac Arrest
