Gulf billionaires doing what they want regardless of the consequences shock. It's just what they do. When they grow up without restraint or control it's no surprise they act like they do when they become adults. Look at Saudi's MBS. They think they can buy anything including their way out of trouble and if they don't get their way they start the bellicosity and threats. This is just how they act over there, I know, my mum comes from that part of the world and being notoriously thin-skinned, was always making threats to anyone who crossed her. It's who they are
The fact is that they were charged with some offences. They claim to have '200 pages of irrefutable proof' but as pertaining to the emails detailing how Etihad is only responsible for delivering £8m of the £65m sponsorship, they only need one. The reply to the original email making the correction that Etihad IS responsible for the entire £65m. Clearly they don't have this or else it would have been provided at an earlier stage and we wouldn't be here. Was it taken out of context then? Probably not, the emails were as self-explanatory as can be so don't see how 200 pages are going to muddy the waters to create enough ambiguity over them
City knew they were bang to rights from the beginning. I knew they didn't have a case as soon as they started mouthing off and shooting the messengers (the hacker, Pinto, and Der Spiegel). They have been dragged kicking and screaming and that is how I imagine they will go down. There is a common view that the two year ban will be reduced to one at CAS and if this happens, City might be able to live with that. Some of the players will be happy at City, kids settled at school and there will be a degree of loyalty to City so they might be able to ride a one year ban however in order for this to happen City will have to stand down to some extent, apologise and express remorse. This just ain't gonna happen. This isn't what they do over there
If City continues to pursue a hostile approach into and perhaps beyond CAS, ie with a case that lacks merit, aggressive, that seeks to discredit the UEFA independant committee (made up of distinguished and eminent lawyers) to another bunch of distinguished and eminent lawyers...they will get no succour. Lawyers are human too and whilst they rule strictly on a legal basis there will be plenty of grey area where personal opinion can influence decision making, bit like VAR. Was it a handball? Erm, maybe, who was the player involved? TAA? No, we like him, arm was close enough to the body. Accidental!
If City don't row back I think the 2 year ban will hold, fines will be increased, they will incur the enduring hostility of UEFA and it will end the City project in the medium term. Players aside, it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people