Luis Nani | 2012/13 Performances

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Nani gives up possession too often/easily for Barcelona to be interested.
I'm not comparing them, it was an example.

Summit, you're talking as if his goal was basically just a dink over the keeper, which is bullshit to the extreme. You just described the full goal there anyway (although still underrating it), kinda proving my point.

For the record, I don't really think Rooney is capable of the run Nani did when he got the ball off Anderson, to actually get in that position.

Cina, I don't want to get into a bitch fight over this, but you implied that no one in our squad was capable of scoring such a goal. When I pulled you on it and quoted Rooney, you then said it was the dribble part at the begging of the move that Rooney wouldn't be able to do(fair enough I agree there). So, we have a player in Rooney who can play one, two's and finish over the keeper with a dink, yet he can't dribble like Nani. Let's leave it at that mate.;)
Nani would be a phenomenal player if he had a half decent football brain.

I dont think he lacks a football brain Sultan. He does overplay things at times but that much leeway has to be given for flair players imo.

Nani gives up possession too often/easily for Barcelona to be interested.

Yup. Besides they have a lot of attacking talent, they have other areas they need to strengthen first.

He'd be mint at Madrid though, and they do like taking our best players when SAF wants rid.

Exactly. Can see him fitting in beautifully there.
He'd be mint at Madrid though, and they do like taking our best players when SAF wants rid.

He'd be mint here if he grew a brain, concentrated on playing football and earned a new contract on merit.
Is it simply lack of form, confidence with the added issue of his contract that is affecting his performances?

On his day he can be be unplayable so i refuse to criticise him at this moment in time.
He'd be mint here if he grew a brain and concentrated on playing football and earned a new contract on merit.

The grow a brain thing is awfully harsh Sults, he may not be a Scholes or Rooney but he's certainly not a Sturridge or Robben either.

And we've no clue about the contract situation, or whose fault it is.

Best players when SAF wants rid? Like?

Beckham and RVN.
I know we tend to over analyse everything in football today but did anyone else think his celebration was a bit sulky? Kind of similar to Tevez in his last season with us.
I know we tend to over analyse everything in football today but did anyone else think his celebration was a bit sulky? Kind of similar to Tevez in his last season with us.

Yeah and his boots were a strange color, indicative of his mood for sure. Also, what was with the gloves, a hidden message that he's been hiding his emotions? Also the long sleeve shirt, maybe because he's a long way off agreeing a contract?

(I'm being mean, sorry, I didn't notice much with the celebration though)
The grow a brain thing is awfully harsh Sults, he may not be a Scholes or Rooney but he's certainly not a Sturridge or Robben either.

And we've no clue about the contract situation, or whose fault it is.

His inconsistency stems from childishly giving away ball and choosing the wrong options - It's certainly not lack of footballing talent, which we all know has never been in doubt.
Ah, the good old "he doesn't have a brain" thing again. What a lot of shit, his statistics in recent seasons speak otherwise, and people ALWAYS have to pick up on him giving the ball away, and when he does that's their decision made on him. Last night's goal was fecking brilliant, if someone didn't have a footballing brain then there is no chance that would have happened. Give and go with Anderson in amongst a crowd of players on the edge of the Chelsea box then a dink over one of the best keepers in the world. That's outstanding, and shows that he does have quite a brilliant footballing brain at times.
He'd be mint here if he grew a brain, concentrated on playing football and earned a new contract on merit.

His footballing brain is good though, you don't score a goal like he did last night without a degree of intelligence. His decision making can let him down but he is often too ambitious in this area, can't strike the right balance between risk and reward. I agree he's got to concentrate on playing football but then again he has to be on the pitch to actually show his worth.

Not sure the certainty of his departure is totally justified quite yet.
I know we tend to over analyse everything in football today but did anyone else think his celebration was a bit sulky? Kind of similar to Tevez in his last season with us.

So what, he scored a great goal and can celebrate how he likes considering he probably wont be in the team again for weeks.
His inconsistency stems from childishly giving away ball and choosing the wrong options - It's certainly not lack of footballing talent, which we all know has never been in doubt.

A lot of players pick the wrong option though.

Giggs for example has a great footballing brain but he has his moments of madness too. Rooney has his dumb chips, Anderson has his silly hollywood passes, Hernandez has his endless offsides (like at the third goal last night), Welbeck has silly shots.

I'm not saying they're as bad as Nani is, but I don't think he chooses the wrong option or makes daft decisions as much as people seem to think he does

I remember a match last season, can't remember who against, where he barely put a foot wrong all game and towards the end he took a stupid shot and straight after the game everyone was saying "no brain, idiot, inconsistent, makes the wrong decisions" etc.

That goal last night by the way, you reckon a player with no brain could pull off a finish as clever as that?
The grow a brain thing is awfully harsh Sults, he may not be a Scholes or Rooney but he's certainly not a Sturridge or Robben either.

And we've no clue about the contract situation, or whose fault it is.

Beckham and RVN.

Not having Beckham as the best player in that team back then (or ever at any point to be honest...not a patch on Giggs and Scholes). RvN might have been one of them at the time, but following his departure (combined with plenty of other factors) we actually started winning competitions again.

It's alright being a great goalscorer in a team that doesn't win trophies, but utltimately in my opinion, you can only be regarded as a great goalscorer if that team actually wins things.
Ah, the good old "he doesn't have a brain" thing again. What a lot of shit, his statistics in recent seasons speak otherwise, and people ALWAYS have to pick up on him giving the ball away, and when he does that's their decision made on him. Last night's goal was fecking brilliant, if someone didn't have a footballing brain then there is no chance that would have happened. Give and go with Anderson in amongst a crowd of players on the edge of the Chelsea box then a dink over one of the best keepers in the world. That's outstanding, and shows that he does have quite a brilliant footballing brain at times.

Well that footballing brain should also tell him what to do when he has the ball with 30 seconds to go in such a close game. I know, I'll try to take on a man and lose the ball. I'm agree with Sults on this one.
Not having Beckham as the best player in that team back then (or ever at any point to be honest...not a patch on Giggs and Scholes). RvN might have been one of them at the time, but following his departure (combined with plenty of other factors) we actually started winning competitions again.

It's alright being a great goalscorer in a team that doesn't win trophies, but utltimately in my opinion, you can only be regarded as a great goalscorer if that team actually wins things.

Not saying they were our best, just some of our best.

Don't read into things so much.
Well that footballing brain should also tell him what to do when he has the ball with 30 seconds to go in such a close game. I know, I'll try to take on a man and lose the ball. I'm agree with Sults on this one.

It was obviously a stupid decision, but like people said, Hernandez was idiotic with his offside too yet absolutely no blame was put on him. I think Nani just has this reputation and whenever he does do something daft it's picked up on far, far quicker than other players.
Well that footballing brain should also tell him what to do when he has the ball with 30 seconds to go in such a close game. I know, I'll try to take on a man and lose the ball. I'm agree with Sults on this one.

and if he got past the man and scored everyone would say he's brilliant again. Obviously the rest of our squad are useless too then for not stopping an attack with 10 seconds to go from 80 yards away.
Not having Beckham as the best player in that team back then (or ever at any point to be honest...not a patch on Giggs and Scholes). RvN might have been one of them at the time, but following his departure (combined with plenty of other factors) we actually started winning competitions again.

It's alright being a great goalscorer in a team that doesn't win trophies, but utltimately in my opinion, you can only be regarded as a great goalscorer if that team actually wins things.

So Shearer,Greaves among others weren't great goalscorers? Baffling logic
It was obviously a stupid decision, but like people said, Hernandez was idiotic with his offside too yet absolutely no blame was put on him. I think Nani just has this reputation and whenever he does do something daft it's picked up on far, far quicker than other players.

You are right there and believe it is because of we as fans know how great he could be. He has immense talent and it's frustrating to watch him sometime because of some silly things he does. Although, I do remember feeling the same of Ronaldo before he became awesome.
So what, he scored a great goal and can celebrate how he likes considering he probably wont be in the team again for weeks.

Ok then.

I dont think Nani lacks a football brain, I think he is as intelligent as say Valencia, difference is, he has more natural ability and confidence, thus he tries things which would set him apart if they worked. When they don't work people will claim that he is stupid, but it's just bad decision making stemming from his want to express his full talent. I think he knows that there may be better, safer options but decides to try something riskier. The thing is, the less he plays, the more he will try those silly but extraordinary things, because he'll want to prove to everyone just how talented he is, in reality though it'll serve him better to just get all the simple things right for a while.
and if he got past the man and scored everyone would say he's brilliant again. Obviously the rest of our squad are useless too then for not stopping an attack with 10 seconds to go from 80 yards away.

I suppose there are arguments for both sides here, but with 30 seconds to go he shouldn't be trying such things when the game is on a knife edge IMO.
You are right there. I believe it is because of we as fans know how great he could be. He has immense talent and it's frustrating to watch him sometime because of some silly things he does. Although, I do remember feeling the same of Ronaldo before he became awesome.

True, but some fans do genuinely just fecking hate him (not really on the caf, to be fair).

For me, the good far outweighs the bad when he's on form, I think I'm just at a stage where I learn to accept the few moments of inevitable stupidity in games. Besides, an on form confident Nani probably would've actually beaten his man at the end there.
Strange from SAF. This is the third time he's publicly mentioned a player (DDG, Rio and now Nani) this season in such a manner. What's made him so receptive to media demands?

He's right out Nani last night though.
I suppose there are arguments for both sides here, but with 30 seconds to go he shouldn't be trying such things when the game is on a knife edge IMO.

Didn't Fergie say there was nothing wrong in that? Not sure the manager's heaping as much blame on Nani as some would suggest
It was obviously a stupid decision, but like people said, Hernandez was idiotic with his offside too yet absolutely no blame was put on him. I think Nani just has this reputation and whenever he does do something daft it's picked up on far, far quicker than other players.

What is this 'Mean Girls II'?

It's much simpler than that. Last nights goal showed what he can do, so people then struggle when he fecks up the simpler things. Some of what Nani does wrong no pro should do, especiually as often as he does it. Fine if you think that's alright when he scores goals like he did last night, but what you refuse to understand is that some people prefer less ocassional razzmatazz and less simple mistakes.
True, but some fans do genuinely just fecking hate him (not really on the caf, to be fair).

For me, the good far outweighs the bad when he's on form, I think I'm just at a stage where I learn to accept the few moments of inevitable stupidity in games. Besides, an on form confident Nani probably would've actually beaten his man at the end there.

You think it was a lack of confidence, given the goal he scored? I just thought they were all a bit weary by then
True, but some fans do genuinely just fecking hate him (not really on the caf, to be fair).

For me, the good far outweighs the bad when he's on form, I think I'm just at a stage where I learn to accept the few moments of inevitable stupidity in games. Besides, an on form confident Nani probably would've actually beaten his man at the end there.

On form Nani can skin anyone. What in your opinion was his best period here?
What is this 'Mean Girls II'?

It's much simpler than that. Last nights goal showed what he can do, so people then struggle when he fecks up the simpler things. Some of what Nani does wrong no pro should do, especiually as often as he does it. Fine if you think that's alright when he scores goals like he did last night, but what you refuse to understand is that some people prefer less ocassional razzmatazz and less simple mistakes.

I don't think I've let on that I do think it's alright though, I already said last nights decision was idiotic from him. He frustrates the shit out of me too sometimes, but yeah, maybe I'm just more willing to accept that than others I guess.
True, but some fans do genuinely just fecking hate him (not really on the caf, to be fair).

For me, the good far outweighs the bad when he's on form, I think I'm just at a stage where I learn to accept the few moments of inevitable stupidity in games. Besides, an on form confident Nani probably would've actually beaten his man at the end there.

Good advice, maybe you should pay heed to it when you rant about Welbeck????
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