Left 4 Dead 2


Full Member
May 10, 2009
Didn't see a thread on this. First one was fecking brilliant. A really fun game to play with your mates, really atmosphere and you got really stuck into it.

Game is out on the 17th of November.
Only bought the 1st one recently. And it is top class. Will certainly be getting 2 as well
Got the first one the day it came out and played the death out of it.

It got old quite fast, especially given the initial lack of official new levels and community authoring tools.

Everyone is up in arms because the government has refused classification to L4D2 here (ie you can't sell own or advertise it) for it having too much gore. Which I personally think is a load of ass, from the videos we've seen it's no worse than other games that are marketed here. Anyway, a bunch of idiots I know seem very concerned that it won't get released and we'll all miss out, as if ValvE will suddenly decide to abandon a reasonable chunk of their market share (the first one did very well down under) as opposed to releasing a goreless version.

I'm sure people will whinge about there being a lack of exposed ribcage with you blast the mother away but in fairness I couldn't give a toss as long as it doesn't affect gameplay.
Everyone is up in arms because the government has refused classification to L4D2 here (ie you can't sell own or advertise it) for it having too much gore. Which I personally think is a load of ass, from the videos we've seen it's no worse than other games that are marketed here. Anyway, a bunch of idiots I know seem very concerned that it won't get released and we'll all miss out, as if ValvE will suddenly decide to abandon a reasonable chunk of their market share (the first one did very well down under) as opposed to releasing a goreless version.

What country is that? That's crazy really, L4D isn't even THAT gorey, it's almost cartoony gore really, with the exploding Boomers and stuff, a bit like a homage to the Evil Dead films and such. It's certainly not nearly as bad as the likes of FEAR, GTAIV, Bioshock.
Australia, where we have no adults only/18+ classification for games - the highest is MA15+.

They've changed the gore model slightly between the first and the second so now it shows chunks of protruding rib cage and stuff. It's no worse that a lot of other stuff already for sale, but I suppose it's a high profile mark for the muppets from the government.
Oh yeah. GTA 4, GTA SA, Fear 2, Fallout 3, and Soldier of Fortune 3 were all games that we almost missed out on - the developers usually resubmit the games with changes in the area that the board is concerned about. In Fallout 3 it was that the drugs had real names, Fear 2 was gore (chopping someone in half with a machine gun), GTA 4 they never said what it was they changed...

Anyway yeah. I don't really care to be honest as long as it doesn't go to the root of the game - the blood splatter doesn't really matter to me as much as the gameplay.
Oh yeah. GTA 4, GTA SA, Fear 2, Fallout 3, and Soldier of Fortune 3 were all games that we almost missed out on - the developers usually resubmit the games with changes in the area that the board is concerned about. In Fallout 3 it was that the drugs had real names, Fear 2 was gore (chopping someone in half with a machine gun), GTA 4 they never said what it was they changed...

Anyway yeah. I don't really care to be honest as long as it doesn't go to the root of the game - the blood splatter doesn't really matter to me as much as the gamateplay.
wow and i thought ireland was bad.....

never forgave them for banning madonna's like a prayer
wow and i thought ireland was bad.....

never forgave them for banning madonna's like a prayer

I think Ireland is a lot more lenient now, we always used to give films a higher rating than the UK did, generally if they gave a 15s, we would give an 18s but it's changed a lot now. Films very rarely get 18s anymore unless insanely violent (Antichrist, Halloween 2) and a lot of films that get 18s in the UK only get 16s here (Bruno, Inglourious Basterds).

It's been a hell of a long time since anything was banned either.
Just ordered this from Steam...Can't wait, loved the first one.

Anyone wanna get some games going when this comes out for the pc?
Just ordered this from Steam...Can't wait, loved the first one.

Anyone wanna get some games going when this comes out for the pc?

I'll be up for that

Didn't realize L4D 2 would be out so soon. Only recently I've just started getting back into the first.
I've been following its development, and while I like what they've done with it compared to the first (Hard Rain in particular looks awesome), the A -> B gameplay doesn't really excite me that much - I don't really feel that much has changed since the first to warrant me picking it up on launch again.

I'll probably get it down the road though.
Actually, it's Bx | Teehee. They're always changing the tag, wankers
Actually, it's Bx | Teehee. They're always changing the tag, wankers

Ok, I've added you.

Seemingly after allready pre-loading the demo when i purchased the game a few days ago Steam has now decided to download and pre-load it again....I'm hoping this is the demo being released to people that have bought the game?
Was late activating for me but I played my first campaign last night. Does seem more like a DLC than a standalone game, but good fun anyway. Love the new weapons (The SPAS, the AK, the Magnum :drool:) and the fact you're pretty much forced to switch throughout the level (Otherwise I'd just use shotgun all the time), and the melee weapons are good (I didn't get to use the Chainsaw but it looked like fun).

Witches are annoying through. They're still easy to one shot, but in the Hard Rain campaign anyway there are like 8 or 9 in a single stage. The new special infected seem a bit crap but the Jockey is fecking annoying. Hard Rain is a bit dull with the scenery, but it's great when the hurricane wind kicks in and you're slowed down by the flooding. Annoying but atmospheric.

Anyway going to grind on this once I get home later