Surely soon he'll grow out of this rap music thing? I mean most people grew out of it by the time they turned 20 after realising that their choice in music was actually pretty irritable shit
Surely soon he'll grow out of this rap music thing? I mean most people grew out of it by the time they turned 20 after realising that their choice in music was actually pretty irritable shit
Surely soon he'll grow out of this rap music thing? I mean most people grew out of it by the time they turned 20 after realising that their choice in music was actually pretty irritable shit
Most people don't even make it into the rap industry before turning 20. Jay -Z is still raping and he is 39 I believe.
Surely soon he'll grow out of this rap music thing? I mean most people grew out of it by the time they turned 20 after realising that their choice in music was actually pretty irritable shit
Seriously, how old are all of you? If you're over 20 then it's time to get a life and to let your taste in music mature.
Seriously, how old are all of you? If you're over 20 then it's time to get a life and to let your taste in music mature.
1. Why are you centering your posts as if you're some sort of mature figure around here?
2. Who the feck are you to dictate what music we enjoy? Last I checked music is a freedom of expression, an art, and it reflects who you are and what kind of environment you grow up in and represent... hip-hop music was a very important part of my upbringing from my babysitter and mother when I was young to my own personal selections since the turn of the decade... If I didn't take a fancy to it, why the hell would I listen to it?
I also am a big fan of classical rock, alternative rock, R&B, soul, and alot of punk rock... what, am I not mature because I happen to listen to hip-hop?
The message ALOT of Kanye's music sends IS growing if you took the time to listen to his catologue rather then be a generalizing prick and start on the WUM train... If you listen to the evolution of his music and sound since College Dropout it's deeper, more personal, and ALOT more MATURE... as piss poor a decision as it was to release a record that featured his less than stellar vocal skills, it was his strongest album to date in terms of a message.
He pays homage to the artists that have given him the chance to be in his position by re-making and sampling their music, because music is nothing without the fathers and mothers of yesteryear... What is wrong with that? Nothing.
Creativity is to the ear of the consumer, not the over-opinioned.
Rap music is a bit childish, though.
Surely soon he'll grow out of this rap music thing? I mean most people grew out of it by the time they turned 20 after realising that their choice in music was actually pretty irritable shit
Rap, mainstream rap, yeah it is.
Kanye to me, and I think to anyone who actually gives a feck, doesn't do "Rap" music... even his most commercial songs (Gold Digger is the one I always talk about) Is SO relevant in society it's genius.
Seriously, how old are all of you? If you're over 20 then it's time to get a life and to let your taste in music mature.
Deary me.
So you've been in nothing but perfect relationships and grew up in a society where perfect relationships and women are the norm?
If so, my apologies, and maybe you should tell us all where his magical land is, I know I could sure use a woman who I don't have to worry about stabbing me in the back and using me because i'm a nice guy.
Honest to god.
Cock Socket.
Seriously, how old are all of you? If you're over 20 then it's time to get a life and to let your taste in music mature.
... as piss poor a decision as it was to release a record that featured his less than stellar vocal skills...
Seriously, how old are all of you? If you're over 20 then it's time to get a life and to let your taste in music mature.
Some complete and utter twats in this thread.
If you don't understand, or get some certain types of music, simply don't comment on it. Or, better still, go out and educate yourself on it and learn more. Don't make ignorant, sweeping remarks that only make you look like a complete and utter prick.
Some complete and utter twats in this thread.
If you don't understand, or get some certain types of music, simply don't comment on it. Or, better still, go out and educate yourself on it and learn more. Don't make ignorant, sweeping remarks that only make you look like a complete and utter prick.
So anyone who sings about the above is making 'genius' statements on modern society?
Are you talking about stuff like this - would you call this embarrassing shite genius?
That's a bit of a spastic statement. Just because someone doesn't like something it doesn't mean they don't understand it. On the contrary, it's precisely because I do understand it that I know what a load of old cock it is.
Why do you think is a load of old crock?
Surely soon he'll grow out of this rap music thing? I mean most people grew out of it by the time they turned 20 after realising that their choice in music was actually pretty irritable shit