Heroes Season 4

Possibly the most overrated TV show I've ever watched, but T-Bag's in it!
Looking forward to this.

The show is instantly improved with T-Bag in it
I stopped watching it after the first episode of the restart of season 3. Did anything special happen after that?

Same here.

Wasn't aware that people still watch this.
Not impressed with that trailer to be honest, can't see the show ever recapturing the quality of the first season.
I stopped watching after the 1st season Finale. A great first season all built up to this awful mess of an episode that climaxed in a shit fight in a car park and an ending that made little or no sense...It became clear then that there wasn't any kind of Lost-ish "we know where this is going" (which is debatable even for Lost to be honest) and was more a case of "lets make it up as it went a long". Mess of a show now with at least 4 or 5 contradictions an episode...I watch it occassionally cos my flat mate still likes it...It's pants
Bah the second half of series 3 did it for me. I kept giving it a chance at the end of the 2nd series and start of the 3rd. It became unwatchable imo, bad scripts, shite annoying characters (any good ones, weren't in it, were under-used or dead) and generally ripping off the x-men cartoon/comic in a really bad way with the whole mutant registration thing. Matt 'Fat Keanu Reeves' Parkman, claire bennett, ando and hiro, daphne, all the least likeable cast in a tv show ever. Peter petrelli has to be one of the gayest main characters ever aswell, feck me grow a pair. John Connor in T2 is less of a crying homo.
I keep watching it to see what happens. Will probably do the same again this season.
The whole 'Sylar changing from good to bad, then back to good, then bad again' just got annoying for me. Stick with a characters development, change it once...don't keep fecking with it for the sake of creating a plot device for one or two episodes or you eventually loose whats interesting about that character...

The whole 'Look we're bringing back the blonde girl as the genetically modified sister of the other one, played by the same actress but a completely different character and power'' bollocks was laughable....It really is a joke now to me
I stopped watching midway through S3 which is rare for me, I usually stick with it but it was truly awful. I didn't like any of the characters which i think is why I stopped. I shall look up Hayden Paniwotsits lesbo kiss but that is all.
its been shit since half way through season 2

but im still gonna watch it, hopefully they cancel it after this season
T-Bag should get his own spin-off PB series
People expect far too much from their free TV entertainment.

It's meant to be daft escapism that takes you out of it for an hour a week.

I love it when people start saying "as if his powers would do this and that" and yet they happily accept the concept of super powers in the show in the first place.

I also think this "I stopped watching it from episode x" stuff is all a bit drama queen at times too.