Has a book(s) ever brought a tear to your eye?


One of the deepest and realest books i've ever read, I was going through some tough times in my life as well, do the sections about the drug abuse and about his coach were especially moving... a small tear, but a tear nonetheless.
Maybe i should set the bar at lump in the back of the throat, misty eyed, having to blink them away and so on and so forth.

I haven't heard of it but i shall look it up in more detail later i think.
Whilst some have left me with a deep feeling of sadness I find that without the power of music that films have it's very hard to cry.
A few have, mainly children's books for some reason;

Jonathan Safran Foer - Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

Antoine de Saint Exupéry - The Little Prince

A.A. Milne - The House at Pooh Corner

Louis de Bernières - Captain Corelli's Mandolin & all of his Latin American Trilogy

Michael de Larrabeiti - The Borrible Trilogy (as all 3 managed to bring a tear to my eye)
I once dropped a hard cover copy of The Stand by Stephen King on my big toe. Does that count?
I can't remember crying as an adult about anything, let alone a book.

But that's not a macho thing, just some odd quirk that means I don't cry when I'm upset. I remember reading a Tony Parsons novel which would have had me balling my eyes out, were I so inclined. How fecking pathetic is that? Tony feckin' Parsons.
I teared up at some parts of The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time, having two brothers who are on the autism spectrum.
Loads. I'm a complete pussy when it comes to reading.

Most recently 'The Road' by Cormac McCarthy.
agree - that is a bit pussyish

although i am guilty as well

the time travellers wife got me....

i mean, why did he have to die like that???

EDIT:Use the spoiler function please people:EDIT
the time travellers wife got me....


I refused to watch the film because of that. Thought the book was alright but the ending got me. I didn't cry though, just made me a bit too angry than something fictional should.
agree - that is a bit pussyish

although i am guilty as well

the time travellers wife got me....

i mean, why did he have to die like that???

I read this book only because I live right beside the newberry library where he worked and all of my neighborhood was described in it, other than that was way too mushy and gay
The last (seventh) Dark Tower book from Stephen King. His chief asset for me is the drawing of his characters, and their deaths in this book really affected me. I think the main reason is because I read the book in 2005 a good fourteen years after beginning the first instalment.

WWII from the perspective of a young German girl displaced to a town near Dresden. She is obsessed with books and its told from the perspective of Death himself. Great stuff.

And on a related war theme 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' by John Boyne - oh total, total blubfest.
Yeah I need to as well! The Amber Spyglass had me crying
When it's clear Lyra and Will were never going to stay together