Gaming Gran Turismo 5

Well, that would explain it, if say that they had a pressing window of 5 days for launch, and Polyphony missed their date through optimising the code or whatever by three days, then that would have only given them 2 days of run at it, probably leaving them with nowhere near enough discs for a substantial launch.
They wouldn't even get enough copies in two days to send out pre-orders let alone release any to a public sale. Hopefully it means that release will be delayed by a week or two, not by three months.
Early December would be the best bet, well in time for christmas and enough time beforehand to meet the orders.
If it is as simple an issue as they say then yeah no reason to not release it then, in fact it makes you think why they didn't select late November/early December as a release date anyway, some people go mental appoaching xmas.
You might get the situation where they can use the European and Asian presses to divert discs to North America and launch in the US first to hit before Black Friday, and then Japan/Europe/Australasia a week or two later.
Take this with a pinch of salt.....

More information is slowly filtering out about GT5’s delay, and it fits in neatly with everything else we’ve learned about the game’s production in the past 24 hours. Here’s what was recently posted by Maximus – a respected moderator at the forums with reported connections to Sony:

Like I said it is manufacturing issues. I had it confirmed today.

The problem arose when SCE mandated SDK 3.50 on all games releasing after October, GT5 was about to go gold running on SDK 3.41, but it has been delayed by around a week so that they can update to SDK 3.50. This has caused a big headache for the manufacturing side, given how big this game is, missing the gold date by even a week can cause a months worth of delay as slots are already taken up at this time of year for Blu-ray movies and such. So Sony had to find a 3 week slot big enough to make 7m+ copies of this and get them shipped out.

If you want to blame anyone, I would direct it at the pirates and hackers, SCE never had any real SDK restrictions before firmware 3.41 was compromised.​

After getting attention from news outlets such as Eurogamer and TheSixthAxis, evidence of the post has since been removed, but it offers a very reasonable explanation about why Polyphony Digital missed their production window by only 3 days. Sure enough, the new PS3 3.50 firmware is considerably more secure than 3.41 and preventing distribution of a 3.41-compatible GT5 will ensure that it can’t be pirated (for now).

Thanks to all of you who sent this in so quickly!

PS3 Firmware the Real Cause of Gran Turismo 5’s Delay?
I like your optimism. I'm still certain something will happen resulting in this game never actually being released and some shiny gameplay videos being the closest we ever get.
I too think they will find a way to delay it further, I don't expect to play it before next Summer at all.
They spent $80m on this?

And they still cannot get it released on time even after they've set a date.

I'd like to play it finally.
How many game units are they expecting to shift? $80 million. could buy a lot of things.
You're assuming they're telling the truth. I spent $95 million on a sandwich once.

I think you may be right. In December they will announce that the game is postponed until next Summer because a giant bat has attacked company's headquarters, then in the Summer they will explain that because of an excessive warmth in Japan they had to re-schedule until Winter. Then they will probably tell everyone that it's too late to release it anyway so they're working on a Gran Turismo 6 for PS4.
How many game units are they expecting to shift? $80 million. could buy a lot of things.

It's not just about unit sales with a game like this, which is why they can afford $80m and six years. Hence why it looks twice as good as anything else done in half the time.

I'm just going to get this game (or not) based on if it offers me anything different to what I already have in my collection.
Yes Biscuit, they just spent $80m dollars on something that does not exist!

Slurp it in its 1080p glory Xbot!

Christ, I can't wait.

A lot of interesting cars to try as well. Enzo, Veyron, Zonda, SLS, go-carts...

I wonder if they've done the rally part better than previously because I feel that part of the previous games have been quite poor. It felt more like floating on water than driving on gravel.
How many game units are they expecting to shift? $80 million. could buy a lot of things.

Well the average number of sales in previous full games is around 11 million. With production costs pretty much paid for through Prologue, they're going to make alot of money. Haven't even started counting the amount of people that will buy consoles because of it. This game is like the Halo of Playstation... Except bigger.... and with cars not gay spacemen... and Ferrari :drool:
They spent $80m on this?

And they still cannot get it released on time even after they've set a date.

I'd like to play it finally.

Prologue has sold almost 5 million copies, at what, say 20 squiddles a pop? There's 100 million squiddles for you. Say take of 40% for retailers, logistics, etc. that's 60 million squiddles left. So, for the full product, they need to get back 20 million squiddles? Generally a full GT game sells 10 million copies, lets say at 50 squiddles a pop. That's 500 million squiddles.

I don't think that they will have any trouble getting their money back, do you?
Yes Biscuit, they just spent $80m dollars on something that does not exist!

Slurp it in its 1080p glory Xbot!

Ah, the Moonlight Sonata, reminded me of playing Resident Evil, my second game for the PS1 (which came bundled with TOCA Touring Car Championship).

Got a tear on my eye with that intro. Ah Jill...
Prologue has sold almost 5 million copies, at what, say 20 squiddles a pop? There's 100 million squiddles for you. Say take of 40% for retailers, logistics, etc. that's 60 million squiddles left. So, for the full product, they need to get back 20 million squiddles? Generally a full GT game sells 10 million copies, lets say at 50 squiddles a pop. That's 500 million squiddles.

I don't think that they will have any trouble getting their money back, do you?

I don't know how much GT5:P cost when it was released but that's about right. They'll get their money no doubt but $80m to create a video game is a lot, I'm curious how much the likes of GTA4 cost because they've sold as many if not more copies than GT5 will.
I don't know how much GT5:P cost when it was released but that's about right. They'll get their money no doubt but $80m to create a video game is a lot, I'm curious how much the likes of GTA4 cost because they've sold as many if not more copies than GT5 will.

Well, think about it. If you have staff of say 150 people, and you are say paying each $30,000 per year, over six years, then you have around $30m worth of wages alone.
Well, think about it. If you have staff of say 150 people, and you are say paying each $30,000 per year, over six years, then you have around $30m worth of wages alone.

I think they've created GTA4 in a shorter amount of time, but I've read it cost $100m to make. Still they've more than recouped that money.
How much better than Forza is this going to be? I was going to trade it in and get GT5 upon its release. But it would want to be significantly be better for me to do that.

I just get the feeling that even after all this wait and although it will get good ratings its not going to be doing anything dramatically better then Forza.
I don't know how much GT5:P cost when it was released but that's about right. They'll get their money no doubt but $80m to create a video game is a lot, I'm curious how much the likes of GTA4 cost because they've sold as many if not more copies than GT5 will.

As with Call of Duty and the likes, those games are cross platformed. This game is made exclusively for Playstation. You take out Mario, Pokemon and Zelda who've produced 30+ games each, and Gran Turismo is the next biggest exclusive title of all time with just 6 games. The sims on PC would be its closest rival but its also available on PS and Xbox.