Gaming Gran Turismo 5

It's quite drivable on standard physics with all assists on.

That will more than likely be how i play it then! I'll see how i get on, i had the original GT back in the day on the PS1. Sadly it was in Japanese and i had no idea what was going on or how to select anything, oh the days when one of Dad's mates would drop off dodgy copies of games.

You'd like this Weaste, he used to bring around crates of Amiga games every month. I don't think i even tried three quarters of them!
Can somebody help me out?

I'm either going to buy the Logitech Driving Force GT racing wheel, or the Logitech G25. Both are very difficult to get hold of right now, either because new models are imminent or already on sale (the G27), or because people are buying them almost as soon as new stock is available, for obvious reasons.

I have found both wheels for £99 and £137, respectively, but I'm wondering about the flappy paddles on the G25 and whether they enhance the experience or not?

I'm also thinking about buying a Speedblack Universal Steering Wheel System to secure it with.

Flappy paddles on the G25 are top notch. They're one of the things about the Logitech range that beat the fantaec range. Good solid paddles that don't mind taking a bit of a beating. They're quite large so getting to them is not a big drama. If you want to just play with paddle shifters, then they're fantastic + you also have the h/sequential shifter also.

Weaste clutch is supported as it is in prologue 'have to press triangle'
Gran Turismo 5 Release Update

Posted by Taku Imasaki // Producer, SCEA

We can confirm that Gran Turismo 5 will not be available this November 2nd, but the game’s release will be coming this holiday season.

We sincerely apologize to GT fans for the delay, however, creator Kazunori Yamauchi and the team at Polyphony Digital want to make certain they are creating the perfect racing experience, and we are confident that this ambitious game will exceed expectations when it launches.

We’ll have more information for you in the near future.
Predictable, they know people will buy it anyway so they can postpone it all they want. Won't be surprised if it's not out this year at all.
It was supposed to be out in March, then in July, then in November, so the most likely date they will set now is February/March - then they will obviously postpone it until June.
Insane, feck it... What a huge disappointment. Unlike the other postpones this time they had a set date and I was counting to be playing this 3 weeks from now.
How close were they to release the last few times it was delayed? If we're a lot closer this time, then theoretically maybe they're fairly close to finishing and they honestly do just need a few extra weeks or found an important glitch they need to fix up.
It was supposed to be out in March, then in July, then in November, so the most likely date they will set now is February/March - then they will obviously postpone it until June.

BTW, shittiest 15000th post ever. Congrats :D
You can only laugh about it really.

BTW, shittiest 15000th post ever. Congrats :D

Never realized I was in for 15,000th post. I will probably delete some of my posts now so that I can celebrate 15,000 in the main forum.
On a more serious note, with only three weeks to go I think they'd have definitely pressed them, so god knows what they've found.

If it's a bug, surely it has to be major since it's obviously not fixable with a patch. I don't buy the whole firmware update thing either.

Maybe it's simply an appetite whetting number to push christmas sales?
I'm sure that all the packaging has already been done, but as Sony themselves do the final encryption and disc pressing, I think that they have a 2 week lead time on that (they can spit out hundreds of thousands of discs per day at different sites), so maybe they have not pressed any discs already. All speculation at this point, and we'll probably never know what has gone wrong, but this bit I don't buy.

Kazunori Yamauchi and the team at Polyphony Digital want to make certain they are creating the perfect racing experience

They must have had almost final code going through QA for quite a while.
I'm sure that all the packaging has already been done, but as Sony themselves do the final encryption and disc pressing, I think that they have a 2 week lead time on that (they can spit out hundreds of thousands of discs per day at different sites), so maybe they have not pressed any discs already. All speculation at this point, and we'll probably never know what has gone wrong, but this bit I don't buy.

They must have had almost final code going through QA for quite a while.

Two weeks out of three. Then you have shipping to worry about.

They would not cut it that fine, surely. I think they've pressed a vast amount already, which means the QA is done. So unless someone randomly found a game breaking bug, I think there's a non-software reason.

I've only looked at one site for reasons, and the first thing listed was the damage is still causing headaches. I think they'd have realised before having just three weeks to go. Suffice to say I won't be reading any more.
I'm sure the first delay which was March 2010 for Japan was created by some bright spark at Sony Corp pulling in the head of SCEI and telling him that he can't release the game without 3D support, which will probably end up 576p or something like that. 3D was never even mentioned before that.

As Lambs says though, I doubt that this is a software issue, it's too close to a fixed release date.
I'm sure the first delay which was March 2010 for Japan was created by some bright spark at Sony Corp pulling in the head of SCEI and telling him that he can't release the game without 3D support, which will probably end up 576p or something like that. 3D was never even mentioned before that.

As Lambs says though, I doubt that this is a software issue, it's too close to a fixed release date.

If I had to guess, I'd say it's probably something as simple as they expected to have certain issues resolved and a finished product ready to go to pressing by their projected date and they have't reached the deadlines so they have postponed to get the perfect product before it goes out.

It's probably no coincidence that it's also building up alot of anticipation towards this game.
This is actually quite weird. The game passed Australian ratings scale the other day which has to contain a full representation of the product. I wonder if a car manufacturer or the likes has placed an injunction on the sale until something is resolved?

No way is this a software fault as Weaste said.
Games usually are released on Tuesdays on the US and Fridays in Europe, right?
Theres two issues. 1. Kazanori seems to have been finishing up on some rather difficult points, but I reckon its a load of tosh. It wouldn't surprise me at all if this has to do with Topgear and a new Stig. The games are normally finished 2 or so months prior to pressing so somethings going on.

2nd issue is that they haven't and won't be able to put enough copies out for the release date. Ironically its a similar issue to what they had with GT4.
I suppose that even the slightest delay in the product for whatever reason can totally feck up the pressing, because those lines will have been booked well in advance. They are not just pressing discs for their own games, but for the other publishers as well, in addition to movies, etc. So if you miss you window, it could severely effect the number of discs you can run out.