Gaming Gran Turismo 5



Thanks for highlighting this, Weaste.

I bought an Xbox 360 a couple of years ago, after not really playing games for a few years (post PS2).

But now is the time. This is due out a couple of days before my birthday and it's the one game that stirs the "must play now" instinct in me.

To the Weaste-mobile!
It looks a bit shit when it's outside view, namely where tires make contact with surface and splash water.

Also this bumping off cars and fences still annoys me somewhat, it's very unnatural. Plus the crappy 2d trees.
Other than that - it's godlike.
It looks a bit shit when it's outside view, namely where tires make contact with surface and splash water.

There's something wrong with the lighting in that view as it effects the car itself, but it's as always probably an old build, and is also strange, because the other cars when you are in alternative views look fine.

Also this bumping off cars and fences still annoys me somewhat, it's very unnatural.

Not a sandbox game, the idea is to stay on the track, not feck off driving over a field.

Plus the crappy 2d trees.

I don't think that they are any more, at least not on the redone tracks, look at this, around 1:12 in

Not a sandbox game, the idea is to stay on the track, not feck off driving over a field.
True but what I mean is it doesn't slow you down like it should, it doesn't feel like you're crashing into something. I don't want to break a fence and drive over a field of course. then again, you'll say it's not supposed to be a perfect sim.

I don't think that they are any more, at least not on the redone tracks, look at this, around 1:12 in
Still looks 2d to me, but I don't seriously care about it. They'll probably polish the environment when ps4 is around. Imagine GT6...can't wait.
True but what I mean is it doesn't slow you down like it should, it doesn't feel like you're crashing into something. I don't want to break a fence and drive over a field of course. then again, you'll say it's not supposed to be a perfect sim.

Ah, ok, but we don't even know if that build even includes damage modelling or not. I'm quite sure that in arcade mode, it will have none, and it will behave like GT has always behaved.
Still looks 2d to me, but I don't seriously care about it. They'll probably polish the environment when ps4 is around. Imagine GT6...can't wait.

Well, you are viewing a 2D image, so that's obvious. The 2D trees, I'm sure that you've read plenty about them, were basically cardboard cut-out flat-plane sprites stuck together in a cross hatch, those in that video are certainly not.

I mean, you can clearly see them in this old build shot.


I'm sure that the trees that you can't get close to are still sprites, as it makes sense for performance issues, and nobody will notice in motion.
Weaste you were talking a page or so back about the online thingy-majic, I'll give you a game when I get this.

Not sure I like the idea of all assists of though! I'll have to sharpen my GT skills up a tad*!

*read alot.
Yeah, I need a new PS3, as, being a bit of a geek, I don't want to lose my Linux, but I shall have that bundle mentioned on release day.

We need to set up a CAF clan. Only 32 of us will be able to be in the lobby at any one time, but as this is CAF and not GAF, that should be plenty.
Count me in.

The outside view of the rain one does look odd but the Subaru WRX does also have rear mudflaps so I'm guessing that makes it look abit weird too. The night/rain looks stunning, the X1 looks like an F1 car meets an LMP1 and creates a monster.
I'm seriously tempted to buy a PS3 because of this game.

I'll probably get bored with it in a week, but I don't care.
Yeah, I need a new PS3, as, being a bit of a geek, I don't want to lose my Linux, but I shall have that bundle mentioned on release day.

We need to set up a CAF clan. Only 32 of us will be able to be in the lobby at any one time, but as this is CAF and not GAF, that should be plenty.

im down with this!
Weaste I'm a total amateur to racing/racing games, and my budget for a ps3 racing wheel is £100. Is it worth getting into it? My current setup is good enough without requiring additional peripherals like a racing chair... clamp.. etc.

What should I get? Anyone ITK please chip in too. Thanks.
Get the Logitec DFGT, it's a good quality wheel.

Aye, that's the one I got myself, it's excellent value for money, obviously not as good as some of the more expensive ones, but it's plenty good enough to gain yourself some seconds over a controller, and most importantly much more enjoyment out of the game.
Aye, that's the one I got myself, it's excellent value for money, obviously not as good as some of the more expensive ones, but it's plenty good enough to gain yourself some seconds over a controller, and most importantly much more enjoyment out of the game.

Indeed. I've never driven a G25, or similar, but the DFGT is very satisfying with a good racing game. Can't wait to enjoy GT5 with it.
Looking at a lot of this, and seeing people nit pick at silly little things, suggests that this game is moving this genre into the territory of uncanny valley. This is something/a theory that has been around in computer science for quite a long time, mainly with robotics and CG, and is where something approaches realism to an extent that it fools the human mind into thinking that it's real, yet little things then are always there telling you it's not, and this can cause nauseating experiences.
I'm definitely getting this, those videos of the day/night transition and the weather effects look fantastic, and I havent bought anything Gran Turismo related since GT3.