Football Manager 2009 Network Game

When do you want to start it then? Around the end of June sounds good for me.
Ok, firstly, what is the maximum amount of players we should have? There's probably 6 already so far.

When we gonna start and who wants to host it. If we set it up now, everyone will know where they stand and what team they have and exactly the dates and times we're looking to start this. It's getting it off the ground that is the difficulty with arranging this.
I would probably suggest 6 as a good number, no more than 8. If there's too many not enough people show up when they are supposed to and it becomes a mess with people missing times/dates. I wouldn't mind hosting it, I have a good connection, but anybody is able to host it so it doesn't really matter who does.

And what league would we be playing in? England? Also, once we've finalised who will play, I think teams should be randomised and assigned to a player using one of those websites that randomises things. No picking from a shoe and conveniently getting the best team (Solius).

So yeah, 22nd June onwards is good for me. Suppose if it starts before though it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world:)
Of course you agree, only idiots disagree with me.

And a guy called domzi from the newbies just PM'd me and he is interested. Has the whole summer free so I don't see the harm in letting him in.
I'd say 8 would be a good number. I don't mind domzi playing, hopefully he isn't a no show though.
Yeah i'll propbably be around to play this year. If its anything like the 08 one it will be cracking! I should be able to host the games too as my portforwarding stuff (which is a pain) is hopefully still in place. My last exam is on the 15th June so count me in!
We'll see how many are up for it first and bits and bobs like that.
I'm in, I'm just outta uni and jobless so I've a good bit of free time. I've also played a lot of FM over the years.
I swear this time anyone who signs up and doesn't play I'm going to create a blacklist thread and stick their names on it. In future games we can look back and see who is unreliable.
I can play, though it's a case of the sooner it's started the better. How are the teams picked by the way?
I'm free most afternoons weekdays but not Friday or Saturday nights.