Any of you ladies got one?
Don't bring your crime to RedCafe.
I've not got one but I heard that you couldn't use xbox live with a flashed one as MS can detect it and stop it working?
This isn't true Nick. My brother has a flashed Xbox. Downloads the games him self and plays online fine. I believe the only way MS can catch you is either through you playing a game prior to its release or if you install a system update.
Im tempted to get mine flashed, particularly after this latest RRP price hike.
Thought about doing it a while ago but I'm afraid that my Xbox will break.
Fair enough, are system updates not required though?
I've not got an Xbox at all but on the PS3 if you have to install updates before games will load don't you? games Weaste.
let the moral lecture commence.
on the PS3 if you have to install updates before games will load don't you?
Wasn't it done a few days after its release (I mean the PS3) ?
You can't hack a PS3. It's not been done in any way shape or form, which suggests that after almost 3 years, it's not doable.
Yeah mines well out of warranty. That said, last year when it got the RRoD, and after i had already broken the warranty sticker, i sent it back to MS on the off chance they would not bother looking at it. 2 weeks later i received a brand new xbox and a month free xbox live.
Yeah mines well out of warranty. That said, last year when it got the RRoD, and after i had already broken the warranty sticker, i sent it back to MS on the off chance they would not bother looking at it. 2 weeks later i received a brand new xbox and a month free xbox live.
Good post.
Do you realise how many first party studios Microsoft has culled? Do you realise how many game studios in general have gone to the wall in the past 12 months? Some of them one time great studios as well? Ok, some of them are bad, and it's a good thing that we are not saturated with shite, but you can blame Activision, EA, and Nintendo for that. The fact of the matter is that now games are so expensive to produce, that unless it is a reasonable success (1m + units sold at full price), then the developer is at risk of going to the wall.
Prickish thread.
No more so than the disgusting torrent's thread.
I don't agree with that either, however, a medium sized game studio can have maybe 100 employees, say on an average of 20 grand per year. Say the game takes three years to make, that's 6000000 up the swanny without even considering other bills, nor the marketing and distribution. This isn't Universal Studios or Warner Brothers that you are ripping off for the most part. If that game fails, you by copying it illegally could cost 100 people their jobs.
So you are against piracy, but only for certain sized companies products?
I don't disagree with any of that, I'm just saying that its double standards to try and justify it for other industries just because they make more money or have more ways of marketing a product. Piracy is piracy, you're either against it or you don't care - clearly you care about it, and good for you, but copying a game is no different to downloading a movie or a song.
In fact when it comes to music, downloading a song is arguably worse for the recording artist in question considering their cut of the money a song makes.
Tobias Berghoff: The PC team is being dissolved and as of the first of this month, the studio is closed. Most of the console team formed a new company (Gaming Minds Studios) a few weeks back. Personally, I'm currently at the Royal Observatory of Belgium, working as a programmer in the solar physics department. But I'm looking to get back into the gaming industry towards the end of the year.