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Exactly, there's nothing concrete to say that this transfer is off. You tell them Moses.

Or on? I'm currently waiting on an application to be processed that will allow me to ban at will in this forum until it's only as retarded as the rest of the football forums. Watch this space.
I agree its ridiculous to get on Moyes' back...I just feel a lot of people are hugely sceptical about United's approach in the transfer market. Until there are 2 top class midfielders added to the squad without fuss, then those concerns are valid for me.
You and Commadus must be related.
Yeah, one of the few not shouting from the rooftops about how shit we are at transfers, how embarrassing this all is and how shambolic we are is the person in the thread who is angry. What's fun about all these posts? Are they all tongue in cheek and I'm missing it?

If you don't find it fun, you have the luxury of fecking off, of your own volition for a change.
Or on? I'm currently waiting on an application to be processed that will allow me to ban at will in this forum until it's only as retarded as the rest of the football forums. Watch this space.

:( I was only joking. I'm a first time transfer muppet.
And it's not like he even cares, apparently. Or that's what he'll say.
I don't care about the transfer. I care about the harsh insinuations aimed at the club, and this is just further evidence that Moyes will be given feck all chance on here. Would there be this much shit flung at the club over a bid being rejected if Fergie were still here?
I think Moyesy just thought transfer dealings at Man Utd would be like the Edit Squad function on FIFA 13.
I think this means we have to give up our PL medals from last year. No doubt the share price will tumble. Every one will ask to leave and the TV companies will refuse to air our matches now after this embarrassment.

What's next? Going a goal behind in a game? *shudders*


Year after year, I wonder where we get some of these "members". I am astounded at the sudden lack of faith in our club and excellent new manager. Moyes is tried and tested on the pitch, in the dugout and in the transfer market. Redcafe keyboard warriors, however, are omni-competent and ought to be listened to Mr Moyes. :rolleyes:
Now even though he's not for sale and doesn't want to leave, City, Chelsea and Arsenal are all about to go in for him. According to SSN.

God this journalism is a piece of piss, just make up whatever the feck you want.
I think Moyesy just thought transfer dealings at Man Utd would be like the Edit Squad function on FIFA 13.

Yeah, he's probably been playing football manager and clicking "sugar daddy" in editor mode which is why he probably got mixed up and said he had unlimited funds. He was clearly talking about his FM team.
I don't care about the transfer. I care about the harsh insinuations aimed at the club, and this is just further evidence that Moyes will be given feck all chance on here. Would there be this much shit flung at the club over a bid being rejected if Fergie were still here?
Boo fecking hoo
What the feck you having a go at me for? What have I done now to offend the Modmins sensibilities?

The repeat disinterested offensive indignation alert went off in the mod room. There is no expiry on discussions we've had about how a poster posts. Just so you know. If this thread annoys you, try leaving instead of insulting everyone into line, that's my buzz.
Now even though he's not for sale and doesn't want to leave, City, Chelsea and Arsenal are all about to go in for him. According to SSN.

God this journalism is a piece of piss, just make up whatever the feck you want.

There's obviously a huge difference between what we/the media are officially told and what comments, suggestions, hints are dropped off the record. There always is.

You can probably count on one hand the number of transfers where in the build up the selling club has said "Yes we're likely to sell him" the buying club says "We want to buy" and the player has said "I'm probably going". But just because nothing is ever said along those lines in public doesnt mean they're not said/insinuated off the record.

The official line is probably 'not for sale' unofficially we probably know we stand a chance of getting him and this may have alerted others.

They were never going to come out and say thanks for the bid, most kind of you. It was always going to be a Rooneyesque, the player won't be leaving, the player is staying or in this case the player wants to stay.

Had Fabregas shouted that he wanted to leave the situation for him could easily have become untenable, should we not up the bid to Barcas acceptable level.

If Moyes has been given the heads up to go for it by Fabregas' agent, the bids will follow and he will be secured.

All conjecture, but you can be sure if we see another improved bid, then it truly is on behind the scenes.

He ought to be at OT, earning a proper wage.

I'd hope that given our experience and savvy in these things, this is the scenario being played out. Your Rooney analogy helps give texture. None of us are very reassured he won't be sold, despite the clubs vociferous denial. And we'd be mad not to deny, even if we were planning otherwise as it would lower the price. And every player has his price.

I think there is potential here, we'll obviously pay Fabregas a top wage, so depends on our next bid. For what its worth, I think Barcelona might be willing or are non committal, and its down to the player.
Nobody is geting animated (well, very much anyway) but the level of discussion is just offensively shit.

A bid is rumoured to have been turned down.

"Oh that's that then. It's all shambolic" etc. I wonder what people's reactions are here to conceding a corner. Must be like that disney film about lemmings.

Think of the thread as a live match thread and calm down.

Yeah, one of the few not shouting from the rooftops about how shit we are at transfers, how embarrassing this all is and how shambolic we are is the person in the thread who is angry and being a drama queen. What's fun about all these posts? Are they all tongue in cheek and I'm missing it?

:wenger: Why are you so angry all of the time? Everyone will forget this thread and the summer when the season starts.
So the BBC said that we're still waiting for an official response. Hmmmmm, how hard is it for them to tell us he's not for sale if he isn't for sale.
Well I think, given the 'size' of our club, we should be able to have a fair fight with other clubs of similar size. Liverpool are not even a CL team, so Mkhtaryian not joining them is fairly normal I'd say, unless the idea was simply to come to England.

As for the second paragraph, it depends on the calibre of player you are referring too. I'm sure that no matter who rejects us this summer, if we turned to James McCarthy, he'd be over the moon. But then again, he is unlikely to be choosing between United, Barcelona, Bayern, Dortmund, Juve etc. And as a team that is competing with such teams, I'd assume we'd want players on at least a similar level as theirs.
We do have a fair fight with them but those players have outstanding reasons to make the decisions they made. Had we lost them to another English club then the bitching and whining may have more merit.

You think a player who would otherwise sign for us won't do so because we made bids for other players first? I doubt it. How precious do you think these people are?
I'd hope that given our experience and savvy in these things, this is the scenario being played out. Your Rooney analogy helps give texture. None of us are very reassured he won't be sold, despite the clubs vociferous denial. And we'd be mad not to deny, even if we were planning otherwise as it would lower the price. And every player has his price.

I think there is potential here, we'll obviously pay Fabregas a top wage, so depends on our next bid. For what its worth, I think Barcelona might be willing or are non committal, and its down to the player.

The difference is though that Rooney has openly admitted to wanting to leave more than once. Fabrgas is exactly the opposite.in that sense
Good response. Perhaps I should just go with the flow.

Oh, this is so embarrassing, shambles, shambles, we're shit and amateur, we never get anything nice, Jewish kid at Christmas, not fair, cry, whimper, I want my Mummy.


Or just go? Yes this place is a cesspit, but kicking something is not always the best course of action. With all the best intentions in the world, all you achieve is making a shit thread, even shitter.
Was that the most pointless bid ever? They'll be a lot of disgruntled fans now, there's pressure on Moyes to add a marquee signing to the centre of the park that isn't Fellaini.
Christ the way some of you on here are talking you'd think we just go out and bid for players without a thought..
We don't have the pulling power we used to :(

It's obvious we'll end up with a £40m Fellaini & Baines gift-wrapped package from Everton.

Chuck in a generic £10m center-back and we're good to go!
Yeah we always signed the best players directly from European rivals.
The repeat disinterested offensive indignation alert went off in the mod room. There is no expiry on discussions we've had about how a poster posts. Just so you know. If this thread annoys you, try leaving instead of insulting everyone into line, that's my buzz.
Who did I insult? Is nobody allowed to respond to assertions that as a club we're shit and amateur in everything we do, or the assertion that this is all Moyes fault and it's so embarrassing that a bid was rejected?
Good response. Perhaps I should just go with the flow.

Oh, this is so embarrassing, shambles, shambles, we're shit and amateur, we never get anything nice, Jewish kid at Christmas, not fair, cry, whimper, I want my Mummy.


You can not go with the flow and still make sensible posts without shouting at everyone all of the time. It's very overbearing. In my opinion, people could have very good debates with you if you just calmed down.
So the BBC said that we're still waiting for an official response. Hmmmmm, how hard is it for them to tell us he's not for sale if he isn't for sale.

If this is true the lack of any official decline aligned with what seem to be leaks to the Spanish press denying his availability then it'd mean they're saying one thing to the media and maybe something else to us.

But that's par for the course in transfer tales though. They'll leak to the media what they think their fans want to hear through it.
Christ the way some of you on here are talking you'd think we just go out and bid for players without a thought..

It certainly looks like it?
The bid was rejected straight away and the player has publicly stated he has no interest in the move.
Who said Utd leaked it? Even if the leak came from Utd who's to say it was deliberate and not somebody out to make money? Fergie himself mentioned in his interview after the Swansea game about how the club leaked too much information. Anyone who thinks this is unique has been living in a bubble.

This might be hard for you to take on board but I think the men who run one of the most successful football clubs in the world know a little bit more about this kind of thing than Comsmit off the internet.

I did, because thats what I believe has occurred. If United wanted secrecy on the bid they would have got it I'm sure. It's information that will only be known to a select group. I could be wrong and would happily eat humble pie, but I don't think I am.

I never said anything was unique if that was aimed at me, although most of the other big transfers occurring this summer don't comprise a leaked bid. We know about the fee after the transfer is concluded.

Oh and thanks for the advice in the last paragraph you big condescending bishop.
Good response. Perhaps I should just go with the flow.

Oh, this is so embarrassing, shambles, shambles, we're shit and amateur, we never get anything nice, Jewish kid at Christmas, not fair, cry, whimper, I want my Mummy.


I dont expect you to do that. Nonobody dies. But just give your opinion without coming across as a angry and bitter person for once
Thread closed for a bit while we take stock on how to stop these threads being so utterly shit.
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