Drag me to Hell


Full Member
Nov 8, 2005
We all love United
Anyone caught it?

Thought it was good scary fun, but gross at the same time with some silly humour in it. The opening car scene of Christine (the female lead) and the gypsy woman was one of the best scenes in movies ever. And it shows how far a human being will go or do when one's in desperation.

Oh, and don't watch it if you are a cat lover :D
Lol, yes i saw it. Like you said the car scene is funny, it had me in fits and is seriously gross. Have you seen the Evil dead films? Done by the same director and pretty much the same sort of stuff.
Anyone caught it?

Thought it was good scary fun, but gross at the same time with some silly humour in it. The opening car scene of Christine (the female lead) and the gypsy woman was one of the best scenes in movies ever. And it shows how far a human being will go or do when one's in desperation.

Oh, and don't watch it if you are a cat lover :D

Really, why? :( I was looking forward to this film.
Saw it last week, good film. The scene at the start in the car was probably the best part, the gypsy lady was very creepy.

Also, the talking goat was awesome.
It scared you whilst making you laugh, great film In My opinion
Anyone caught it?

Thought it was good scary fun, but gross at the same time with some silly humour in it. The opening car scene of Christine (the female lead) and the gypsy woman was one of the best scenes in movies ever. And it shows how far a human being will go or do when one's in desperation.

Oh, and don't watch it if you are a cat lover :D

may be taking it a touch too far?

I liked it though.
Lol, yes i saw it. Like you said the car scene is funny, it had me in fits and is seriously gross. Have you seen the Evil dead films? Done by the same director and pretty much the same sort of stuff.

Nope i haven't watched them. It's probably the first film i've seen by this director, at least none i know of.
It scared you whilst making you laugh, great film In My opinion

I counted and i laughed only once, the goat scene while it was sniffing innocously around Christine. I can't really understand why people would laugh during horror films. Is it to cover their fear?
Sam Raimi is awesome. The Evil Deads and Army of Darkness are a must see every few months. Can't wait to see this.
I counted and i laughed only once, the goat scene while it was sniffing innocously around Christine. I can't really understand why people would laugh during horror films. Is it to cover their fear?

Sounds like you didn't quite get what the director was going for. The gore was meant to gross you out a bit and make you chuckle, like the whole car fight scene was hilarious, the teeth flying out, the staples in the head, the way she 'gummed' the girls chin lol. Or when the chick went to the gypsy womans home and the dead body dripped all this fluid over her mouth.

Shit there was loads more but basically any scene that overused the gore was aiming to make you laugh in a 'That is disgusting' way.
Yeah I loved it. Not particularly scary but it was disgustingly hilarious at times and never tried taking itself too seriously. Really reminded me of the old school Evil Dead films and such.

Worth a watch.
Thought it was rubbish...I get that he was going for humour, but there was nothing else really going for it in my opinion...It started off trying to be scary (which it wasn't) then by the seance scene had just decided to be stupid...I mean the talking goat and the bloke dancing on the table was just odd...the 'twist' was fecking obvious and the plot was like, well there wasn't a plot...it was just like "we need to do something scary here cos it's a horror film,....er she'll have a vision of the old woman (again!!)"...it was quite funny in parts (the car scene was good) but not scary at all and just a bit pointless...
it's supposed to be a bit stupid, but it can't quite decide how scary or how funny to be so it's eventually neither, it has no story (certainly not one that merits over half an hour) and just has random bits of silly gore thrown in..also the effects are rubbish..not quite charming like in Evil Dead but not quite good enough to look real...so it looks like Little Nicky, which is shit

...Stoned students will love it cos they can giggle at stupid things and not follow the non story...And thats why I didn't like it, cos they're fecking idiots
I love the Evil Dead trilogy and was really looking forward to this. I found it very disappointing.
I just watched this last night, massive evil dead fan so i thought i'd give this a go. It was alright basically, bits are kinda disgusting, but for the most part its just stupid without actually being funny. The ending was pretty obvious but it sort of saved the film. If it had ended any other way i'd say it was shite. I'd say its worth a watch, not a patch on the evil dead trilogy. Although, im a massive horror fan and its good to see a modern horror film that isn't torture porn like Saw/ Hostel/etc. They're just nasty films. i've more respect for something being original but turning out shite, instead of just remaking classics, or going down the torture porn, huge twist at the ending bullshit thats been coming out recently.

Better than the spiderman films anyway.
Didn't like it. It didn't work. It started off well with the parking lot scene with the gypsy witch, but there wasn't really anything more to the film.
If you are looking for Evil Dead type of films, please give "My Name Is Bruce" a watch. It doesn't work very well if you don't know who Bruce Campbell is, I imagine.
I buzzed off it to be honest. I like movies that try to be different. Plus Bruce Campbell is a legend, anything hes in is worth a watch. Except for Jack of all Trades, that tv show he had. That was pretty bad. Cringe worthy imo.
The ending was pretty obvious but it sort of saved the film. If it had ended any other way i'd say it was shite. .

That is very true..

I liked Bubba Ho Tep for the record...It was quite slow but the idea and Campbells performance held it together for me
I hated My Name is Bruce.

Bruce was good in it, but the annoying kid, well he just annoyed the feck outta me

I loved Bubba
I watched this yesterday. I don't normally like horror movies but really enjoyed this one. It was gross, funny at times and scary, which was impressive i thought considering how bright the film was.
I watched Crimewave again recently. It hasn't aged very well.

Campbell's book If Chins Could Kill is worth a read.