This must be the worst "cover' that involves the original artist
This gets my vote though.
And I'd forgotten this Floyd cover
Words can't describe this.
Marco Masini - Nothing else matter
Sheryl Crow 'Sweet Child Of Mine'
Sheryl Crow 'Sweet Child Of Mine'
Don't mind that either. It's a little disturbing that the singer sounds like he's singing "Beat eat" though...Fall Out Boy's cover of Beat It was pretty good I thought.
Not bad enough to make this list. Some die hard GnR fans might disagree I guess.
Oh God, just found this... Celine Dion covering Michal Jackson's "Bad", and even tried to look like him
I'd never heard this until someone mentioned it abouve and I looked it up onYouTube. This is so shit is is almost an art form.
The cover of that awful snow patrol dirge, light up or whatever its called. How can you actually make that song worse?!