Caf problem


Full Member
Feb 26, 2005
Hargreaves' Hometown
Hey Mods, I don't know whether everybody experiences this but a lot of the times, when I click on a thread and I get redirected to some random website like Chinese Sex Culture or some shit like that. Its a bit annoying. Just wanted to let you guys know.
This kind of happens to me, although it may be something different.

Random threads, once i get in, after about 3 seconds, my mouse freezes, I cant do anything, and see lots of websites loading in the bar at the bottom of my IE but the screen stays on redcafe, I Ctrl Alt Delaet and have to reload my browser. I dont know what would happen if I just left it there without closing it down via task manager, but I dont think I want to know.

And while you are helping, an unbanning for me from the Utd forum would be a great thing to do.
It is what is on your computer mate, you know the time you went to that raunchy site and ... Check those malwares. It has nowt to do with cafe.
Well it seems to appear at my school library machines too. Its not the only site which appears, some other random sites appear as well. The redirected websites are not pornographicthough.


I've been having the same problem as Scholesy

(not the over-inflated opinion of Modric)