Ashes of Time

It's on at 23:15 tomorrow, Cements. . .I think it's the redux version. I'll probably record it. Wow, the new Sky box has totally changed my life. Kamikaze Girls is on the day after - I no idea it it's a good film or not.
May as well be, Ole. I'm looking forward to the season.

Seen anything decent lately? By decent I mean something you'd recommend?
Death Note is class, saw that during the summer. Whats this Ashes of Time craic? Sounds familiar.
Hopefully not. The only movies that should be allowed to be dubbed in another language are kids movies imo.
I don't mind old school kung fu films that are dubbed. I grew up watching them that way, and know that it was the easiest way to get people to watch foreign films. Now, though, I think people have grown enough to be comfortable 'reading a movie'.