Any Movie Adaptions Better than their Books?

If the subsequent books in the series are of the same standard of the first one I'd agree with you.

They're worse; after the first couple of books the writer got bored and introduced this ancient god of murder to inhabits Dexter's body (he's the "voice") and a mysterious cult of hooded figures who start to follow him around.
You have to be joking. The novel was at best a run of the mill Mafia tale written by a very ordinary writer. The first two films were stunningly good.

I've only read two Mario Puzo books but I don't consider him ordinary. Thrillers aren'y my cup of tea usually but I found these to be real page turners. I don't see how the book can be a run of the mill Mafia tale and the films be stunningly good when they share almost the exact same plot, if anything the book adds depth in certain areas.

Just to clarify, when I said 'the extra dimension films lack' I was referring to the inner monologues of the characters, I like how books get into the minds of their characters where movies rely on what you see/hear. Saying that the movie has dimensions the book can never have, such as a great score, beautiful cinematography and top acting.

I'd say I'd rather watch the film than read the book, but both still are still great.
Night Watch is an interesting one. It sticks to the book quite well to a point, but then changes the plot quite dramatically by the changing of a relationship of two of the characters. Also they seem to skip a lot of the back work which means it can come across as pretty dang confusing if you haven't read the book beforehand.

The characters also don't look or act as i expected them to from reading the books, but that's a problem that's always going to occur, as different people see the characters in different ways.
feck me there's lots of famous films I didn't know were adapted from books.