Pogue Mahone
Anyone watching this?
It's a bloke alone in the Canadian wilderness (the clue is in the title) who's trying to survive for as long as he can. He's been there 36 days so far.
What makes it interesting is that he has none of the Mears/Gryllis survival skills so you're basically watching the poor cnut slowly starve to death - and go out of his mind with loneliness - whilst constantly terrified about being eaten by bears.
It's morbidly fascinating.
It's a bloke alone in the Canadian wilderness (the clue is in the title) who's trying to survive for as long as he can. He's been there 36 days so far.
What makes it interesting is that he has none of the Mears/Gryllis survival skills so you're basically watching the poor cnut slowly starve to death - and go out of his mind with loneliness - whilst constantly terrified about being eaten by bears.
It's morbidly fascinating.