9/11: 102 Minutes That Changed America

I watched it. It is one of the events that I don't think I will ever be able to not watch any footage, as I don't think it will ever sink in. I was 14 at the time, had a half day from school, and I was sat there at home, by myself in disbelief what I was seeing. There is some incredible footage from the day, some horrific sounds and sights too. There was a sound clip that I heard during the days after but haven't since, of a man ringing 911 to ask what he should do after the plane hit the other tower, when you hear screaming, panicking and an explosion as the second plane hits.

What was so important about 102 minutes is the real life and at time reaction of the people all around. The little girl in the background if one of the videos asking where the towers went, the loudmouth man who screamed to go to war when the first plane hit to then be silenced in horror as the rest of the events unfolded.

The world is a different day since then, and rightly so. There will never be justice for those responsible, offer the families and friends of those who were lost a choice of a lifetime of torture for those responsible, or an hour of their loved ones back, and we know what the answer will be.

It was and is the most important day of my life, and the one I will never forget for the sheer amount of suffering and pain inflicted by some idiotic, moronic extremists. It's uncomfortable to watch, but I'll never be able to turn away.
A little off topic by the way, but does anyone know of a dvd documentary about this? Mainly just to keeo my own bit of footage on it. Couldn't really find one on the internet that wasn't conspiracy based.
Watched it not so long ago. Some of the footage still (and probably will forever) leaves me speechless.

Maybe I'm stupid or something, but why is smoke coming from the building before the plane hits?
So, the plane doesn't actually hit the building on the picture? Clear's it up then, blind angles and all that, cheers.

No, it does...the tower on fire is actually behind the one about to be hit....tilt your screen or something, it just looks like the same tower cos of the light
I've just listened to that phonecall and it's hard to put into words how it makes you feel hearing that.

Devastating stuff to hear, I can't even begin to imagine how hard it would be for his family or friends to ever have to hear that. Which they've no doubt done.
very tough to listen to indeed, i remember watching a video about people jumping from the buildings and as tough as this one was to listen to it had nothing on the noise of people hitting plate glass windows etc as they were either overcome with smoke or just throwing themselves off the side for fear of being burned to death.

bloody horrific
Thats the first building that is on fire

yes it does

thats the 2nd plane going into the 2nd tower

the first tower has already been hit and smoking badly from the 1st plane

No, it does...the tower on fire is actually behind the one about to be hit....tilt your screen or something, it just looks like the same tower cos of the light

As has been said thats the plane going into the second tower, the bit on fire is the first tower
