9/11: 102 Minutes That Changed America


(• ___ •)
Dec 31, 2007
Anyone watching it?

Shocking stuff, seeing some clips I'd never seen before. Some girls caught the second plane hitting the second tower on tape.

Seeing the amount of people jumping from the buildings just leaves me speechless.
Everyone got the second plane hitting the tower, only one guy who was actually filming a documentary at the time caught the first plane hitting the tower I believe.
Everyone got the second plane hitting the tower, only one guy who was actually filming a documentary at the time caught the first plane hitting the tower I believe.

Yeah i know everyone got it but just the reactions of the people filming it was something I'd never seen as usually it was official news footage.
Watched it not so long ago. Some of the footage still (and probably will forever) leaves me speechless.
Is any of the footage of the first plane hitting online?
Yeah, Im watching this. The people jumping still send shivers down my spine eight years later.....cant even begin to contemplate having to make that choice.
Everyone got the second plane hitting the tower, only one guy who was actually filming a documentary at the time caught the first plane hitting the tower I believe.

Yeah two french brothers doing a documentary on a rookie fire fighter, one filmed the first plane and was also filming in one of the towers when it was collapsing.

I did see this on Discovery last year, it still amazes me!
Some truly shocking stuff. The videos I've watched on youtube would send chills down your spine and actually bring a tear to your eye. I remember the day it happened. I'd just finished a course I was doing and was in the process of trying to get a job so I was around the house during the day. I remember sitting watching it, I didn't even realise the full extent of what was happening, I actually thought maybe something happened to the pilots. I didn't think it was terrorists to begin with. I watched a video on youtube where somebody was filming from a building close to the towers. The guy was focusing on something else, then suddenly you could hear a rumble getting louder and suddenly you see this plane coming in and hitting the other tower, the sound of the explosion was horrible.
I was watching Sky Sports news, when it came across on the little ticker at the bottom that a plane had hit the World Trade and to switch to sky news. I had no idea what World Trade was at the time and whilst I was watching sky news. The second plane hit.

Will stick with me, just like the London bombings.
I was watching Star Wars on Sky Movies when a banner cam accross, of course I was only like 10 at the time so I wanted to continue with Star Wars :lol:
Clearly this is in the entertainment forum cos it is on TV, not because it is entertaining to watch!
The events of 911 not only changed America, they changed the world. Pre-911 Americans had never experienced a significant attack on the mainland.
Wow, the speed & thickness of the dust and smoke after the building collapsed :eek:
Yeah i watched it, i thought the fact that there was no narrative just made it all hit home a little harder.

I don't think i fully appreciated the enormity of what happened until i went and visited ground zero 3 years ago.

Still, some shocking footage & its a bit poor taste for people to come say "oh the USA deserved it" when everyone who was caught up in that tragic day to me, didn't deserve anything.
United 93 last night seem to thing that the forth plane that went down was heading for the white house!

Or the Capitol Building. That film creeped me out. When you know it really happened, and what the passengers must have been going through when they realised it was a suicide mission, it doesn't make pleasant viewing. Good film, but I'll never watch it again.
Clearly this is in the entertainment forum cos it is on TV, not because it is entertaining to watch!

I would disagree. People wouldn't watch the programme if it didn't entertain them.
I would disagree. People wouldn't watch the programme if it didn't entertain them.

This is a flawed argument.

Plenty of people paid to watch George Graham's Gunners. I rest my case.
I would disagree. People wouldn't watch the programme if it didn't entertain them.

If you count "informative" as entertaining, maybe. For something like this I think people just watch to remember. Maybe to be "moved" by something. Which may or may not constitute entertainment depending on how loosely you define it.

And besides, we can all agree that Solius posting this in the entertainment forum doesn't mean he gets a kick out of watching the towers fall.
I watched a bit of it, i just find myself speechless and it leaves me feeling empty. It's like nothing ever witnessed before. I mean in a media sense, when you see it from all the angles with the peoples genuine reactions it certainly doesnt entertain because it is not meant to. It's not a film yet the footage is so incredible it could be. Watching it left a lump in my throat, sickening stuff.

Also to say america or anywhere with civilians deserve that is just crude. 3000 odd people lost their lives, if just one of them didn't deserve it then it is a tragedy in my opinion.
Yep....no doubt some get enjoyment out of it:

greekscavenger1 said:
In my very biased personal opinion i think the USA deserve what they got at 9/11.

What an utterly despicable comment, also quite ironic for an immature knife wielder to consider he has the moral ground to judge an entire nation.

I'd forgotten about his idiotic thread in the CE forum.
anyone saying america deserved this is beyond contempt. america is not 3000 innocent people suffering a horrible death. america is not 3000 families losing a loved one in horrible circumstances and living with the pain of their loss. and this event is not comparable or equatable to other attrocities committed by the states or a payback for bad policy. this was an appalling act of cruelty against innocent people to be judged on its own merits. and feck anyone who wants to justify it in the name of anything else
I'm still not really comfortable watching this to be honest.

I mean, I end up not being able to turn away from it, but not really in a good way. Watching people die just isn't nice. Watching people in such distress they're willing to throw themselves from the top of one of the worlds tallest buildings even less so.

Anyone who finds any justification in it has to be somewhat bonkers.