US Politics

I hope your rest is as peaceful as you made the lives of those you oppressed you bigoted piece of shit. I'll be cracking one open tonight in celebration.

Get ready for a few days of the media blissfully ignoring all the damge this motherfecker did while lauding him as a great "christian".

Read that as ‘Pat Buchanan’ & was supremely happy, but am still gleeful that such a terrible person is no longer vertical.
I hope your rest is as peaceful as you made the lives of those you oppressed you bigoted piece of shit. I'll be cracking one open tonight in celebration.

Get ready for a few days of the media blissfully ignoring all the damge this motherfecker did while lauding him as a great "christian".

RIP Robert Patterson
Not nearly far enough, and will never happen, but it would have been a good start.

Nevertheless, Newsom is poised to become POTUS one day and I'm confident that he will.

Being anti-gun works in California, and certain other states, won't work in a presidential election.

Shame it is that way, banning assault weapons and such should be common sense, but it hurts you politically nationwide, cause people love guns over there.
Not nearly far enough, and will never happen, but it would have been a good start.

A losing political position to be in, but is great that at least, someone is proposing something relevant. Creating a debate is important and someone from the relevant politicians has to be the first (or one of the first).
Being anti-gun works in California, and certain other states, won't work in a presidential election.

Shame it is that way, banning assault weapons and such should be common sense, but it hurts you politically nationwide, cause people love guns over there.

You dont need to be anti gun to run for president. You just need to word salad it behind some stricter control and keeping the society easier but safer to own a gun. Put some fear loving god and i too own a gun as dressing
I hope your rest is as peaceful as you made the lives of those you oppressed you bigoted piece of shit. I'll be cracking one open tonight in celebration.

Get ready for a few days of the media blissfully ignoring all the damge this motherfecker did while lauding him as a great "christian".

You should only speak good of the dead brother.

He’s dead. Good.

To paraphrase Hitchens on Falwell, another one who’s so full of shit if they gave him an enema they could bury him in a matchbox
You should only speak good of the dead brother.

He’s dead. Good.

To paraphrase Hitchens on Falwell, another one who’s so full of shit if they gave him an enema they could bury him in a matchbox

Exactly. I have always believed in never wishing for anyone to kick the bucket, but I will celebrate the shit out of it once it's been kicked.
This could go in so many threads. As a Catholic HS teacher I saw this so often, not only from my students and their parents, but from my fellow teachers. The hatred and venom towards gay students and teachers (but only for a year, if they slipped by the principal in hiring they were never getting a contract renewal). Bravo for this guy, a really powerful statement.

If Trump ate all the Big Mac's then Christie had all the 1/4 pounders!
Okay, so Newsom ran circles around Fox in latest interviews, but then, so did Bernie couple of years back, made no difference.

I mean, if politicians wants to try to "reach" that other side, whatever, their decision, but there are very few people to actually reach that watches Fox regularly.

I'm not an American, but if i where, Fox are essentially a broadcasting station of traitors in my mind, why entertain them?

Both morally, and electorally, ignore them, entirely i'd say.
Okay, so Newsom ran circles around Fox in latest interviews, but then, so did Bernie couple of years back, made no difference.

I mean, if politicians wants to try to "reach" that other side, whatever, their decision, but there are very few people to actually reach that watches Fox regularly.

I'm not an American, but if i where, Fox are essentially a broadcasting station of traitors in my mind, why entertain them?

Both morally, and electorally, ignore them, entirely i'd say.
Not everyone who watches Fox is a raving right wing lunatic and not everyone who watches CNN/MSNBC is a left wing nutter, they are businesses making money, they don't actually believe half the crap they put out