Should we renew De Gea's contract?


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Just an unacceptable decision that makes 0 sense given everything we know about ETH and his philosophies over the years. I don't get it. And if he's first choice yet again next year it could be a death knell of a mistake for the manager sadly

Sounds like it's basically a back up GK contract, don't know why people have their panties in a twist, if we bring in Raya and have DDG as backup it's actually not the worst idea in the world at all.

Do people not know how to read now?
It seems like a false economy to me. Yes it is "pragmatic" in the sense extending him costs feck all, in fact it will reduce the wage bill compared to his current contract.

But if he is the number 1 keeper he will cost us financially when we struggle to make the CL, or get knocked out of that competition early due to his blunders in tough matches. Which is a constant theme. When he comes under pressure, blunders commence.

I don't think a new keeper costs 60 million. I certainly don't think an upgrade on David de Gea's current level has to cost 60 million. Maybe the best young keeping prospect in the world costs that, but I would wager there are many for sensible fees that are better than David's level.
He's such a poor Goalkeeper now that it would make no sense to keep him even as a backup because it would be so easy to find an upgrade without spending too much.

He's probably a good presence behind the scenes, I know people want to claim in here without any evidence whatsoever that he's a problem in the dressing room but again as long as he is not first choice who cares? Better than having Heaton or Henderson who would probably kick up a fuss if he isn't playing.
Sounds like it's basically a back up GK contract, don't know why people have their panties in a twist, if we bring in Raya and have DDG as backup it's actually not the worst idea in the world at all.

Do people not know how to read now?
200k a week for a backup goalkeeper? Perfectly normal in ManchesterUnitedland
It seems like a false economy to me. Yes it is "pragmatic" in the sense extending him costs feck all, in fact it will reduce the wage bill compared to his current contract.

But if he is the number 1 keeper he will cost us financially when we struggle to make the CL, or get knocked out of that competition early due to his blunders in tough matches. Which is a constant theme. When he comes under pressure, blunders commence.

I don't think a new keeper costs 60 million. I certainly don't think an upgrade on David de Gea's current level has to cost 60 million. Maybe the best young keeping prospect in the world costs that, but I would wager there are many for sensible fees that are better than David's level.

I think they're doing as usual the easy thing that saves them money and time.
Moyes, LVG, Mourinho, OGS, Rangnick all had De Gea as their No1.

Good luck Ten Hag ….you’ll need it!
Sounds like it's basically a back up GK contract, don't know why people have their panties in a twist, if we bring in Raya and have DDG as backup it's actually not the worst idea in the world at all.

Do people not know how to read now?
What's the wages? Back up keepers earn about 40k per week. I doubt de Gea would agree to that.
Moyes, LVG, Mourinho, OGS, Rangnick all had De Gea as their No1.

Good luck Ten Hag ….you’ll need it!

To be fair to Ole, I think he'd worked it out, but Henderson got long Covid.
Can't say I've seen that figure anywhere, let me know if you find it again.
I believe it was mentioned in Neil Custis article in Sun I don't know how credible he is but any how I don't believe wages are something these journalists ever get right .
No emotions, get rid of him. Weak goalkeeper with a weak personality. We have to be more ruthless with showing the door to the players but again, poor management from the past left us with overpaid players who wouldn't earn a third of that amount anywhere else in Europe. Thankfully, he is at the end of his contract.
Very very disappointing decision we are renewing him .

Club seems insistent in always backsliding.

Gonna be a rough few weeks to potentially years if we don't get top 4 and if the Sale doesn't go well for us. Hopefully at the very least the sale goes through
Can you remember the 7 howlers that account for the goal difference that lost us that title?
Oh I remember a lot of games where he did exactly what he is doing now but worse (as he was new to the league and even weaker back then). Not necessarily howlers but being so passive and making the whole defence (which already was very unsettled due to so many injuries) nervous so often.
No emotions, get rid of him. Weak goalkeeper with a weak personality. We have to be more ruthless with showing the door to the players but again, poor management from the past left us with overpaid players who wouldn't earn a third of that amount anywhere else in Europe. Thankfully, he is at the end of his contract.

They just extended him. Wages are allegedly lower, but Jesus Christ... I also wanted his ass gone fromt he club forever like a wasted cum rag.
Starting to think EtH is not very loyal to his philosophies or the philosophies we think he follows.

Nothing about this season speaks of exciting football.

Meh the exciting part is more down to the paper thin squad and complete lack of striker we've essentially had all year. But every progressive manager understands that a keeper that can play with their feet and sweep properly is vital to any sort of team that wants to control and dominate games. Resigning DDG is the opposite of that
Moyes, LVG, Mourinho, OGS, Rangnick all had De Gea as their No1.

Good luck Ten Hag ….you’ll need it!
Tbf during that time
First keeper to win play of the year
First player to win it x3 in a row
And won it x4 which is a joint record
Safe to say he wasn’t the problem for those managers

I actually think the problem is maguire lindloff de gea combo
If we could score a goal this thread wouldn’t be so high up
I believe it was mentioned in Neil Custis article in Sun I don't know how credible he is but any how I don't believe wages are something these journalists ever get right .
Cheers. Had a look, it doesn't appear to be a Custis article, it's attributed to a name I'm not familiar with. It also cites the Telegraph as its source just before it makes the claim regarding numbers, which is not included in the Telegraph, so not one of the more credible looking attempts.
Sounds like it's basically a back up GK contract, don't know why people have their panties in a twist, if we bring in Raya and have DDG as backup it's actually not the worst idea in the world at all.

Do people not know how to read now?

Considering it's a high profile player and the "back up contract" will still be monstrous wages, it's quite obvious why people aren't happy about it. De Gea isn't willing to just ride the bench and mentor some new keeper, and he's a terrible candidate to keep around for that at this point in his career especially on high wages.

Not even to mention that I'd rather have backups that have the same profile as starters in all positions. Keeper as well.
Tbf during that time
First keeper to win play of the year
First player to win it x3 in a row
And won it x4 which is a joint record
Safe to say he wasn’t the problem for those managers

I actually think the problem is maguire lindloff de gea combo
If we could score a goal this thread wouldn’t be so high up
Agreed, he was a great, but is now nowhere near the keeper he once was.
Forget the contract - if De Gea remains as our number 1 next year, then we can already write off the 2024-25 season as well. It’s that drastic. The correct decision would be to bid him farewell right now and get a young modern goalkeeper. This would let us get the teething problems from implementing a short passing style originating from the goalkeeper out of the way next season (see City 2016-17, Arsenal 2020-22), before becoming perfect at it in 2024-25 as we go for the title.

Sadly though, this club simply doesn’t make that kind of decision. Not with Woodward’s sons in John Murtough and Richard Arnold still at the helm. On to two more years of being a cup team and scrambling to qualify for CL football unless we start Henderson by some miracle next season, who while not perfect, is better than De Gea, which he proved in 2020-21.
Tbf during that time
First keeper to win play of the year
First player to win it x3 in a row
And won it x4 which is a joint record
Safe to say he wasn’t the problem for those managers

I actually think the problem is maguire lindloff de gea combo
If we could score a goal this thread wouldn’t be so high up

He hadn't done any of that under the last 3 managers which is the period when he became a problem.
While I obviously think it’s a horrible idea to keep De Gea at the club I do think people are going a bit over the top with the catastrophising about him being number 2. We don’t know how much money he will be paid so seems pointless to get worked up about it. And the “style of play” thing shouldn’t matter if he is used the same was as most number 2 keepers. Only used in low priority cup competitions. We’ve just made the FA cup and Carling cup finals with him in goals so doing the same again surely won’t be the total disaster some of you seem to think it will be?

If he’s going to remain number 1 though…
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