Joe Rogan

Not only should Joe Rogan be cancelled but I'd also suggest Lex Friedman needs to go as he is one of Rogan's best friends and has a podcast that's reaching millions of people.

I think we also need to take care of Tim Dillon. He needs to go as he's also good friend with Rogan and his podcast is dangerous as his jokes about Covid-19 could be misleading to many.

I'll try to think of other podcasters that also need cancelling and share with you guys asap.
Not only should Joe Rogan be cancelled but I'd also suggest Lex Friedman needs to go as he is one of Rogan's best friends and has a podcast that's reaching millions of people.

I think we also need to take care of Tim Dillon. He needs to go as he's also good friend with Rogan and his podcast is dangerous as his jokes about Covid-19 could be misleading to many.

I'll try to think of other podcasters that also need cancelling and share with you guys asap.
No one's saying he should be cancelled, just maybe Spotify shouldn't be shoveling tens of millions per year into the pockets of some dumbass who keeps spreading misinformation. He was doing fine before his Spotify deal, and if they end it, he'll continue doing just fine.
No one's saying he should be cancelled, just maybe Spotify shouldn't be shoveling tens of millions per year into the pockets of some dumbass who keeps spreading misinformation. He was doing fine before his Spotify deal, and if they end it, he'll continue doing just fine.

Well, wasn't Rogan's reach much bigger while he was on YouTube? If Spotify dumps him and he goes back to YouTube, he'd still be influencing people, right? So the only way to shut him down completely would be to cancel/ ban him from ALL social media platforms. How else would you stop him from talking?
His instagram response was alright. I don't think he's intentionally spreading lies, he's just doing what he's always done and having anybody on to talk about any topic. Lets see if he tries to get more mainstream balance on in close proximity to the crackpot guests.
His instagram response was alright. I don't think he's intentionally spreading lies, he's just doing what he's always done and having anybody on to talk about any topic. Lets see if he tries to get more mainstream balance on in close proximity to the crackpot guests.

He's intentionally spreading lies, because he sincerely believes that he says is the truth. He just doesn't understand they are lies. It's an idiotic society we live in.
Not only should Joe Rogan be cancelled but I'd also suggest Lex Friedman needs to go as he is one of Rogan's best friends and has a podcast that's reaching millions of people.

I think we also need to take care of Tim Dillon. He needs to go as he's also good friend with Rogan and his podcast is dangerous as his jokes about Covid-19 could be misleading to many.

I'll try to think of other podcasters that also need cancelling and share with you guys asap.

Please get back to us as soon as possible.
He's intentionally spreading lies, because he sincerely believes that he says is the truth. He just doesn't understand they are lies. It's an idiotic society we live in.

Should be completely cancelled and deplatformed, shouldn't he? It's the only way to stop him!
It's irrelevant whether Elon Musk hosts a podcast. He is an anti-vaxxer and GOOD FRIENDS with Joe Rogan.

It became relevant when you said you are compiling a list of podcasters and slipped in Musk's name in that list. Look, all of us can be petty and argumentative, it doesn't make a you a bright bulb here. Everyone can see what you are doing, we are all adults. Just move the feck on from your "I WANT JOE ROGAN CANCELLED" bollocks
Well, wasn't Rogan's reach much bigger while he was on YouTube? If Spotify dumps him and he goes back to YouTube, he'd still be influencing people, right? So the only way to shut him down completely would be to cancel/ ban him from ALL social media platforms. How else would you stop him from talking?
Right now I'm thinking we should ban you, because your gimmick is shit.
What does it matter to you if I want him cancelled or not?

You said Joe Rogan is intentionally spreading lies. What do you think should be done about it? Is that such a difficult question? How do you think Joe Rogan should be prevented from intentionally spreading lies?
Right now I'm thinking we should ban you, because your gimmick is shit.

What gimmick? Read my post! If you ban Joe Rogan from Spotify, he will continue to spread misinformation on YouTube. What is gimmicky about that assumption? Is this funny to you??
You said Joe Rogan is intentionally spreading lies. What do you think should be done about it? Is that such a difficult question? How do you think Joe Rogan should be prevented from intentionally spreading lies?

Why should I have a solution or an answer to any of your questions? What are you blathering about in this thread?
I already said that it's shit. Now feck off with your concern trolling.

You said:

“Rogan's said young, healthy people shouldn't get the vaccine, he's promoted the use of ivermectin to treat Covid, he's railed against wearing masks, he's hosted several guests who has spouted outright lies about the pandemic without pushing back or asking them to provide proof or sources.”

My question to you is: what is the best way how to handle this whole situation and prevent Rogan from spreading misinformation?
Why should I have a solution or an answer to any of your questions? What are you blathering about in this thread?

You don’t need to have an answer to any of my questions. I was simply wondering if you had one. That’s all. It’s a fecking discussion thread here, isn’t it?
You said:

“Rogan's said young, healthy people shouldn't get the vaccine, he's promoted the use of ivermectin to treat Covid, he's railed against wearing masks, he's hosted several guests who has spouted outright lies about the pandemic without pushing back or asking them to provide proof or sources.”

My question to you is: what is the best way how to handle this whole situation and prevent Rogan from spreading misinformation?

Why should he answer your question? He may have a genius solution in mind and sell it to spotify.
You said:

“Rogan's said young, healthy people shouldn't get the vaccine, he's promoted the use of ivermectin to treat Covid, he's railed against wearing masks, he's hosted several guests who has spouted outright lies about the pandemic without pushing back or asking them to provide proof or sources.”

My question to you is: what is the best way how to handle this whole situation and prevent Rogan from spreading misinformation?

Spotify kick his show off air? Then he can go back to YouTube and guess what, if they don’t like it, they can kick his show off air too.

They are private companies. It’s their choice.
You don’t need to have an answer to any of my questions. I was simply wondering if you had one. That’s all. It’s a fecking discussion thread here, isn’t it?

Discussion is what this message board promotes and unfortunately it also attracts trolls "WHO HATE JOE ROGAN AND ARE JUST LOOKING FOR HONEST WAYS TO STOP HIS MISINFORMATION BLAH BLAH BLAH'.
Well if you think he doesn't understand that they are lies I'm not sure how that proves intent tbh.

I think the main issue here is the number of people who are swayed by what they hear on Rogan's podcast. Whether he truly believes the shit he spouts or not, the damage is still the same. He treated himself with ivermectin and other nonsense, so I think there's a good chance he really believes what he says and is on a crusade to fight the evil powers. Only Joe Rogan can answer that but I've seen credible, capable and intelligent people go down the path of QAnon and Swami Nityananda rabbit holes.
I think the main issue here is the number of people who are swayed by what they hear on Rogan's podcast. Whether he truly believes the shit he spouts or not, the damage is still the same. He treated himself with ivermectin and other nonsense, so I think there's a good chance he really believes what he says and is on a crusade to fight the evil powers. Only Joe Rogan can answer that but I've seen credible, capable and intelligent people go down the path of QAnon and Swami Nityananda rabbit holes.

But do we restrict free speech to protect people who just believe any old shite? Not sure what the answer is!
I think the main issue here is the number of people who are swayed by what they hear on Rogan's podcast. Whether he truly believes the shit he spouts or not, the damage is still the same. He treated himself with ivermectin and other nonsense, so I think there's a good chance he really believes what he says and is on a crusade to fight the evil powers. Only Joe Rogan can answer that but I've seen credible, capable and intelligent people go down the path of QAnon and Swami Nityananda rabbit holes.

CNN’s Sanjay Gupta confirmed Ivermectin can be used for treating Covid and regularly prescribed by doctors in the U.S. and across the world. Is this then one of the lies Joe Rogan is spreading or is it actually legit medicine?!
But do we restrict free speech to protect people who just believe any old shite? Not sure what the answer is!

Which is why I said in my initial post that it's a sad society we live in when the masses side with Joe fecking Rogan than with peer reviewed papers from the scientific community. I'm not the one proposing solutions here but Spotify is a private platform and I guess they will have to take the call on this one.
CNN’s Sanjay Gupta confirmed Ivermectin can be used for treating Covid and regularly prescribed by doctors in the U.S. and across the world. Is this then one of the lies Joe Rogan is spreading or is it actually legit medicine?!

You only hate Joe Rogan and you are looking for a solution to stop Joe Rogan's lies. What is the relevance of the veracity of treatment in this argument?
CNN’s Sanjay Gupta confirmed Ivermectin can be used for treating Covid and regularly prescribed by doctors in the U.S. and across the world. Is this then one of the lies Joe Rogan is spreading or is it actually legit medicine?!
As always. They are smart enough to do their own research, obviously of course, they are geniuses after all, yet seem very eager to demonstrate to everyone that they have indeed started to believe in the very misinformation, they are so sure to be immune to.
Which is why I said in my initial post that it's a sad society we live in when the masses side with Joe fecking Rogan than with peer reviewed papers from the scientific community. I'm not the one proposing solutions here but Spotify is a private platform and I guess they will have to take the call on this one.
You only hate Joe Rogan and you are looking for a solution to stop Joe Rogan's lies. What is the relevance of the veracity of treatment in this argument?

Dude I’m just trying to understand if you are only bitching about Joe Rogan or if you actually have ideas and suggestions of how to alleviate or eliminate the problem. I work in a high pressure fast paced business environment and I’ve met tons of people like you who have a big mouth but when asked for solutions they have none. I have a practical solution how to deal with this problem and I shared it with you.
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