Ander Herrera - When will he get a game?

For some reason we've gone from playing with one defensive midfielder to two and because of this Herrera isn't getting a look in. This for me is the main reason we're struggling going forward. There is no need to play with two dm's unless we're playing against another top team and even then, at home we should be trying to play on the front foot. Schneiderlin and Carrick, as good as they are, aren't interested in getting forward.

During our good spell last season we played well because we had players further up the pitch. It was effectively a 4-1-4-1 and it enabled us to create a 3 on 2 situation in wide areas thus leading to better attacking positions and chances. It also allowed us to win the ball back further up the field keeping the pressure on our opponents. I have never seen us go to Anfield and dominate like we did last season. I thought this season we'd continue in the same vain but with better personnel but how wrong I was.

Herrera for me is our most complete midfielder. He is both dynamic and creative without neglecting the defensive side of the game. He moves the ball quickly and adds tempo to our game, something that has been severely lacking so far this season. I really thought the penny had dropped last season when he came into the side and everything seemed to click but it appears I was wrong.
Our only midfielder aside from Fellaini with an eye for goal, and he's sat on the bench when we're struggling for goals.
For some reason we've gone from playing with one defensive midfielder to two and because of this Herrera isn't getting a look in. This for me is the main reason we're struggling going forward. There is no need to play with two dm's unless we're playing against another top team and even then, at home we should be trying to play on the front foot. Schneiderlin and Carrick, as good as they are, aren't interested in getting forward.
Nail and head.
Our only midfielder aside from Fellaini with an eye for goal, and he's sat on the bench when we're struggling for goals.

I think one or the other will start on Wednesday in place of Januzaj. Just not sure which of them it'll be.
It might not be the most innovative strategy in the world, but wouldnt playing a three man midfield when the midfielder that we expect to dictate play is much older..the reasons why Pirlo was so good for Juve was that he had others to do the running, with him focusing on dictating the play, which worked like a treat..

Schneiderlin and Herrera would provide that energy that this team lacks and also some goals as they could then push foward knowing that there was at least two other guys covering them in the back..currently there is no link between midfield and attack..I think Herrera would actually make Carrick/BFS actually better for us if they had less to worry about..but thats just what I see
It might not be the most innovative strategy in the world, but wouldnt playing a three man midfield when the midfielder that we expect to dictate play is much older..the reasons why Pirlo was so good for Juve was that he had others to do the running, with him focusing on dictating the play, which worked like a treat..

Schneiderlin and Herrera would provide that energy that this team lacks and also some goals as they could then push foward knowing that there was at least two other guys covering them in the back..currently there is no link between midfield and attack..I think Herrera would actually make Carrick/BFS actually better for us if they had less to worry about..but thats just what I see

He needs to go back to the 4141 system of last year, that is where we looked a threat when we had that system in play. I would actually use bastian and carrick more sparingly, and for me herrera and fellaini must be in the team, so we get that goal threat from the center.

darmien smalling blind shaw
mata herrera fellaini depay

I see a far greater goalthreat with a combination of mata herrera fellaini and depay given the freedom to attack, and let morgan anchor the midfield. I have no idea VG did not build on this system, than playing 2 DM cutting the linkup play to our attacking players. With mata and herrera linking up play, we get the areal threat from fellaini, the drive from depay and this gives rooney the support he needs. Yes mata is on the right, but he will have the support of fellaini and herrera. mata is not going to look so isolated on the right when he has the midfield getting forward, herrera fills in those pockets mata has something to do, at this moment he is useless with our midfield playing so deep, there is no linkup play, but just a huge gap in the middle
Herrera must play. I'm convinced he'll immediately transform the side
It's a long season with plenty of games, he will get his chance.
He needs to go back to the 4141 system of last year, that is where we looked a threat when we had that system in play. I would actually use bastian and carrick more sparingly, and for me herrera and fellaini must be in the team, so we get that goal threat from the center.

darmien smalling blind shaw
mata herrera fellaini depay

I see a far greater goalthreat with a combination of mata herrera fellaini and depay given the freedom to attack, and let morgan anchor the midfield. I have no idea VG did not build on this system, than playing 2 DM cutting the linkup play to our attacking players. With mata and herrera linking up play, we get the areal threat from fellaini, the drive from depay and this gives rooney the support he needs. Yes mata is on the right, but he will have the support of fellaini and herrera. mata is not going to look so isolated on the right when he has the midfield getting forward, herrera fills in those pockets mata has something to do, at this moment he is useless with our midfield playing so deep, there is no linkup play, but just a huge gap in the middle

Good line-up mate. Would love to see that. I also believe that Herrera can contribute a lot defensively if he is asked to do so.
My only problem is that Schneiderlin has to up his skills regarding organizing the game from the back. At the moment he is more or less just a destroyer.
Good line-up mate. Would love to see that. I also believe that Herrera can contribute a lot defensively if he is asked to do so.
My only problem is that Schneiderlin has to up his skills regarding organizing the game from the back. At the moment he is more or less just a destroyer.

Well we have got other anchor man options, carrick bastian, but all 3 of them don't score enough goals, Herrera and fellaini can score those goals. It's just frustrating we have the options, and VG pulls these bone head stunts, when Janazaj is not half has effective as Herrera and fellaini. After what we done against Spurs, city and Liverpool he thinks the best way forward is not building on that system
Our record when Herrera has started (League): PL 22; W 13; D 3; L 6; GF 43; GA 26 --- Win % = 59%; Goals Per Game = 1.95; Goals Agnst Per Game = 1.18

Our record when Herrera's not started (Lgue): PL 16; W 7; D 7; L 2; GF 19; GA 11 --- Win % = 43%; Goals Per Game = 1.18; Goals Agnst Per Game = 0.69

Make of it what you will. We looked far better with him starting than without. We scored more, yet conceded more, although goals against can be attributed to the lack of a proper midfield and shaky defense.
We're quite clearly a better, and more attractive to watch, team when he's playing.
Our record when Herrera has started (League): PL 22; W 13; D 3; L 6; GF 43; GA 26 --- Win % = 59%; Goals Per Game = 1.95; Goals Agnst Per Game = 1.18

Our record when Herrera's not started (Lgue): PL 16; W 7; D 7; L 2; GF 19; GA 11 --- Win % = 43%; Goals Per Game = 1.18; Goals Agnst Per Game = 0.69

Make of it what you will. We looked far better with him starting than without. We scored more, yet conceded more, although goals against can be attributed to the lack of a proper midfield and shaky defense.

Herrera and fellaini are the factor that provides the linkup play to the front players, mata is fine on the right if he has the support from midfield, herrera and mata had a fantastic partnership kept that cool crisp passing that put teams in a spin, but swapped it for 2 DM that do not score goals, do not get forward and they just stay deep given us nothing going forward. VG has practically cut mata adrift, mata is a ship without a rudder now herrera is on the bench. VG is seen has a smart man, yet he dumps the system that got him the top 4 within 3 games. We have cut our goal supply in herrera and fellaini, for morgan and bastian, who A do not score enough goals, B he has asked them to play ultra defensive. We also factor in and decided to play janazaj, who clearly makes the wrong decisions 7 times out of 10, when we have players like herrera on the bench who can assist pass and shoot, yea good going VG, swap variety for predictability
When he moves to another club next year.
When he moves to another club next year.

maybe before the window closes this season. i just don't understand LVG not picking him. maybe he wants to give others playing time but he didn't see many minutes in preseason. i'd have him in my 11.
When he moves to another club next year.

maybe before the window closes this season. i just don't understand LVG not picking him. maybe he wants to give others playing time but he didn't see many minutes in preseason. i'd have him in my 11.

Probably the latter rather than the former. Be quite funny if he went to Chelsea or something.
Probably the latter rather than the former. Be quite funny if he went to Chelsea or something.
He would start for a lot of good teams but Chelsea probably aren't one of them. He would get more playing time there than he is going to get at United though, I reckon.
I'm not one for conspiracy theory's but I cant get my head around why he's dropped Herrera and come up with my vey own conspiracy that LVG want's to keep Januzaj in the twam instead of loaning him out so is keeping him happy till the 1st of Sep then when the window closes it back to business with Herrera starting...?

I think I better go to sleep, signing out at 1:15am
I'm not one for conspiracy theory's but I cant get my head around why he's dropped Herrera and come up with my vey own conspiracy that LVG want's to keep Januzaj in the twam instead of loaning him out so is keeping him happy till the 1st of Sep then when the window closes it back to business with Herrera starting...?

I think I better go to sleep, signing out at 1:15am

Van Gaal is not that kind of manager, he doesnt give a feck if a player is happy or not etc...i cant see him playing Januzaj when he isnt convinced that he would be the right choice.
Watching Silva for City is exactly how I'd want Herrera to be played for us. He's not as good as Silva. Silva, in my opinion, is the best in the world at what he does, but having a 10 that controls the game, with wingers who keep the width, makes a massive difference. Really don't know Van Gaal won't at least try it.

I'd rather play 3 in midfield since we struggle to bring the ball forward. There's always a huge gap (especially with one midfielder being so deep and Schneiderlin not really box to box yet) where I think Herrera could really help our play
Herrera is a good player. No doubt. However, some of you are making out as if this guy is Messi, which he isn't.
I remember, when Kagawa was here, he achieved a cult status. And every game he didnt play, his reputation increased.
I believe the same is happening here.

Our record when Herrera has started (League): PL 22; W 13; D 3; L 6; GF 43; GA 26 --- Win % = 59%; Goals Per Game = 1.95; Goals Agnst Per Game = 1.18
Our record when Herrera's not started (Lgue): PL 16; W 7; D 7; L 2; GF 19; GA 11 --- Win % = 43%; Goals Per Game = 1.18; Goals Agnst Per Game = 0.69

Have you noticed that our loss percentage is higher with Herrera (AH) starting?
With AH: 27%
Without AH: 12.5%
He would start for a lot of good teams but Chelsea probably aren't one of them. He would get more playing time there than he is going to get at United though, I reckon.

Given Mou tends to play Cesc at #10 in more physical games I could see Herrera starting alongside Matic, especially as Herrera is actually quite tall and likes to put in a tackle. Mourinho loved Deco at Porto and Herrera is a similar player.

Matic, Herrera, Hazard, Cesc, Pedro, Costa would be a mean attack and midfield.

Increasingly it seems like Herrera's career at United has ground to a halt. Van Gaal seems to be doing everything he can to avoid playing him. He's switched the formation, Januzaj and Fellaini are firmly ahead of Herrera in the manager's mind as number 10s. Genuinely wouldn't be surprised to see Herrera leave United in the next 12 to 18 months. I think that'd be a big shame because I don't see anyone better suited to knitting together midfield and attack in our squad. However, its Van Gaal's team now and he clearly does not and has not ever really fancied Herrera.

Think United fans should get their heads around the fact that pretty soon Herrera won't be a United player.
LVG simply doesn't rate him as a central midfielder it seems. I reckon he's now slotted him as among his "number 10s" and he's never going to amount to much in that position based on his United career. He's a terrific central midfielder and the one I'd consider the most important we have long term, and I'm very surprised that LVG seemingly has such a conservative view on central midfielders.

If the above is indeed correct I can't see him last long here. Hopefully it isn't and he plays a prominent role this season.
Given Mou tends to play Cesc at #10 in more physical games I could see Herrera starting alongside Matic, especially as Herrera is actually quite tall and likes to put in a tackle. Mourinho loved Deco at Porto and Herrera is a similar player.

Matic, Herrera, Hazard, Cesc, Pedro, Costa would be a mean attack and midfield.

Increasingly it seems like Herrera's career at United has ground to a halt. Van Gaal seems to be doing everything he can to avoid playing him. He's switched the formation, Januzaj and Fellaini are firmly ahead of Herrera in the manager's mind as number 10s. Genuinely wouldn't be surprised to see Herrera leave United in the next 12 to 18 months. I think that'd be a big shame because I don't see anyone better suited to knitting together midfield and attack in our squad. However, its Van Gaal's team now and he clearly does not and has not ever really fancied Herrera.

Think United fans should get their heads around the fact that pretty soon Herrera won't be a United player.

I think his best chance will be when van Gaal leaves in two years. It's cleary that van Gaal doesn't like him at all and he is trying his best to give him as few chances as possible, someone will soon point out the end of last season when Herrera played very well and was in the team but that was at a time when we had virtually no fit midfielders. Once we have some fit options he will not start games for us, he isn't even a rotation player because when LvG decides he wants to drop him he will be out of the team almost 100% of time unlike someone like Schweinsteiger, Blind or Fellaini who could be in or out depending on the formation, opposition etc.

I think he will be gone very soon. One of the issues is he is not a van Gaal signing and van Gaal has already signed a lot of players who occupy similar positions. He is extremely stubborn and would probably prefer to prove himself right.
LVG simply doesn't rate him as a central midfielder it seems. I reckon he's now slotted him as among his "number 10s" and he's never going to amount to much in that position based on his United career. He's a terrific central midfielder and the one I'd consider the most important we have long term, and I'm very surprised that LVG seemingly has such a conservative view on central midfielders.

If the above is indeed correct I can't see him last long here. Hopefully it isn't and he plays a prominent role this season.

My hope is that he will be only 27-28 when van Gaal departs. If he can stick around until then, possibly only starting about 15-20 games in two seasons combined, then our next manager might see a role for him.
I think I'm on the Herrera train now too, not because I think he's the best player at the club but because I think he'd be much more useful in a game like last Saturday where having Carrick and Schneiderlin on the pitch at the same time seems far too risk averse.
I remember in the joy of signing Schmidfield - my thinking was, as great as this is, the importance of Herrera is still so high, as all of our other midfielders are there to beat people up effectively (obvious exaggeration). Now to see him not getting a ame, it is very frustrating, as he has shown last year that he is crucial to our fluidity.

I have little doubt that he will get into the team eventually this season. Whether it will be as the result of injury or suspension, LVG will end up stumbling upon the right team, the one he should have been playing all along - and will then likely stick with it. Last season he was playing fecking Rooney ahead of Herrera. When it smacks him in the face, i.e - something silly like 4 goals in our first 8 games or so - then he will do the right thing.
I remember in the joy of signing Schmidfield - my thinking was, as great as this is, the importance of Herrera is still so high, as all of our other midfielders are there to beat people up effectively (obvious exaggeration). Now to see him not getting a ame, it is very frustrating, as he has shown last year that he is crucial to our fluidity.

I have little doubt that he will get into the team eventually this season. Whether it will be as the result of injury or suspension, LVG will end up stumbling upon the right team, the one he should have been playing all along - and will then likely stick with it. Last season he was playing fecking Rooney ahead of Herrera. When it smacks him in the face, i.e - something silly like 4 goals in our first 8 games or so - then he will do the right thing.
That is what makes me doubt LvG, he stumbles on the right formation, like last season then will take the credit for it. Then next season will do exactly the same and try to force a philosophy on the team which suits players he can never sign. Instead of getting the best out of what he has in a formation they can show off their talents. He like an anti-viagra.
Herrera is a good player. No doubt. However, some of you are making out as if this guy is Messi, which he isn't.
I remember, when Kagawa was here, he achieved a cult status. And every game he didnt play, his reputation increased.
I believe the same is happening here.

Have you noticed that our loss percentage is higher with Herrera (AH) starting?
With AH: 27%
Without AH: 12.5%

Yeah, but that really dull period at the end of the season really skews the Herrera starting stats. As a team, we were so poor against Everton, Chelsea and WBA that even if we didn't start him, we'd have lost. I also remember him playing DM against Chelsea because of all the injuries we had.
Yeah, but that really dull period at the end of the season really skews the Herrera starting stats. As a team, we were so poor against Everton, Chelsea and WBA that even if we didn't start him, we'd have lost. I also remember him playing DM against Chelsea because of all the injuries we had.
Stats can be used to prove whatever agenda people have either way. What should be the prove is with our own eyes. That we are a far more attractive side with him in the side, more fluent.
Yeah, but that really dull period at the end of the season really skews the Herrera starting stats. As a team, we were so poor against Everton, Chelsea and WBA that even if we didn't start him, we'd have lost. I also remember him playing DM against Chelsea because of all the injuries we had.

We weren't poor against Chelsea.
For some reason we've gone from playing with one defensive midfielder to two and because of this Herrera isn't getting a look in. This for me is the main reason we're struggling going forward. There is no need to play with two dm's unless we're playing against another top team and even then, at home we should be trying to play on the front foot. Schneiderlin and Carrick, as good as they are, aren't interested in getting forward.

During our good spell last season we played well because we had players further up the pitch. It was effectively a 4-1-4-1 and it enabled us to create a 3 on 2 situation in wide areas thus leading to better attacking positions and chances. It also allowed us to win the ball back further up the field keeping the pressure on our opponents. I have never seen us go to Anfield and dominate like we did last season. I thought this season we'd continue in the same vain but with better personnel but how wrong I was.

Herrera for me is our most complete midfielder. He is both dynamic and creative without neglecting the defensive side of the game. He moves the ball quickly and adds tempo to our game, something that has been severely lacking so far this season. I really thought the penny had dropped last season when he came into the side and everything seemed to click but it appears I was wrong.

Agreed. Was discussing this last night where all of a sudden all teams have moved from 4-3-3 to 4-2-3-1, pretty much all the top sides in the prem playing this, even Arsenal are trying to get Cazorla to sit in, with Ramsey pushing back if he can. Its odd the push for this, 3-5-2 came and went fairly quick and hardly any teams in the prem are playing 4-4-2's anymore. This new 4-2-3-1 allows the furthest forward of the midfield to almost act as a no10 and not track back as we've seen with Janzuaj last few games or Depay in the first, which for me isnt Herrera's best position and thus where he fits in to our side is difficult. Maybe LVG wants a solid start and then allow a bit more fluidity as we get into the season. Just had hoped his performances last yr would have persuaded LVG, also his goals from midfield would be a huge help!

Herrera for me suits the role where he plays as a box to box midfielder alongside a defensive midfielder, i.e Carrick, Schneiderlin, Schweinsteiger.

Find it mad how teams adapt and match up on formations. For us currently a 4-3-3 would suit the players we have, but then I guess the extra 2 defensive players do give greater cover to our defence, and as a result we have been fairly solid at the back so far. Herrera just provides an excellent link between midfield and attack, the ability to score and also running beyond where required and that dynamic style of play that we are lacking going forward.

Think Herrera will play this week in Brugge. hopefully he takes his chance.
I doubt we'll see him starting in the hole with our current setup. LvG was asked about it and his response was the he prefers someone who will operate more as a second forward. I guess it's not so much a matter of creativity (good vision and assists) as a matter of being able to hold onto the ball under pressure in the half zones, receive the ball with back to goal and turn around and of course provide lots of goals. That's probably the reason why he doesn't consider Mata as an option there either. It's a tactic that worked miracles for LvG with Litmanen (whom LvG was ready to kick out of the club before playing him in the hole), so he decided to stick with it. As others have mentioned, Muller is a fine example of the type of player LvG wants for that role. Some years ago when he had been asked about what he expects from his #10, he responded "score goals" and brought Bergkamp as an example. After the Villa game he stated that Herrera plays the #10 role like a "holding midfielder", not as a forward. Maybe this explains why he's used him only as a sub when our primary objective was to protect our lead.

This means that Herrera will probably have more chances to start in the midfield. Does he bring something unique to the table that the others don't? I'd say yes, he's the closest thing we have to a ball carrier, someone who will run with the ball through the lines or do a little layoff and then move to a more advanced position in order to receive the again. This quality of his can provide more options and quicken our build up plays. A 100% fit Schweinsteiger might also do the job but we're talking for right here and right now. Schneiderlin can play as a b2b midfielder but while he has an adequate passing range he can't create much when running with the ball which is one of Herrera's strengths.

So why doesn't Herrera get more starts in this formation? In my opinion the main reason is van Gaal's concerns about the directness and the physicality of the English game as he witnessed them in his first season in Manchester. We often played against sides with less quality, especially away from home, but with many runners who would get on the ball and cut through our midfield with ease. LvG tried to cope with all that and also deal with the lack of a clear DM who would close down the first attackers by changing formations by adding an extra CB (3-5-2) or a midfielder (diamond) in the central areas. When Carrick returned from injury and our struggles to protect possession in the attacking half forced Fellaini in the starting lineup, he resorted to the 4-3-3 with Carrick in the holding role.

This season he's found a player who can cover shiteloads of space and close down runners in Schneiderlin and he probably believes that by playing someone who can protect possession and get the ball forward with safety (Bastian and Carrick) next to him, he can protect the central channels and provide enough cover for the two CBs in those areas. It's true that in all our games thus far this season the opposition teams created chances from the flanks and not so much through the middle. In other words the Schneiderin+Carrick/Schweinsteifer midfield offers LvG the opportunity to use his favorite formation. He probably sees Herrera as a more adventurous choice there and a player who concedes possession more often than the aforementioned players.

But Herrera can still prove vital in LvG's plans, even in this 4-4-1-1. Right now we rely heavily on the four players up front to create chances and we use the two FBs as options to provide support and help to stretch the defenses. It's not working very well for a number of reasons with one of them being that our opponents don't consider Shaw and Darmian as threats. Plus they expect to defend crosses in the box with ease therefore they allow us spaces in the wide areas and retain a very narrow shape which suffocates Mata and Rooney and leaves little room for Memphis to play 1v1.

The good thing is that both our FBs are very solid defensively and they can both play more centrally, when the situation demands of them to do so, and operate as a third CB. If LvG instructs one of them not to go forward that much, then he will be able to "afford"a more creative and bold option like Herrera in the midfield without disturbing our defensive balance.
I doubt we'll see him starting in the hole with our current setup. LvG was asked about it and his response was the he prefers someone who will operate more as a second forward. I guess it's not so much a matter of creativity (good vision and assists) as a matter of being able to hold onto the ball under pressure in the half zones, receive the ball with back to goal and turn around and of course provide lots of goals. That's probably the reason why he doesn't consider Mata as an option there either. It's a tactic that worked miracles for LvG with Litmanen (whom LvG was ready to kick out of the club before playing him in the hole), so he decided to stick with it. As others have mentioned, Muller is a fine example of the type of player LvG wants for that role. Some years ago when he had been asked about what he expects from his #10, he responded "score goals" and brought Bergkamp as an example. After the Villa game he stated that Herrera plays the #10 role like a "holding midfielder", not as a forward. Maybe this explains why he's used him only as a sub when our primary objective was to protect our lead.

This means that Herrera will probably have more chances to start in the midfield. Does he bring something unique to the table that the others don't? I'd say yes, he's the closest thing we have to a ball carrier, someone who will run with the ball through the lines or do a little layoff and then move to a more advanced position in order to receive the again. This quality of his can provide more options and quicken our build up plays. A 100% fit Schweinsteiger might also do the job but we're talking for right here and right now. Schneiderlin can play as a b2b midfielder but while he has an adequate passing range he can't create much when running with the ball which is one of Herrera's strengths.

So why doesn't Herrera get more starts in this formation? In my opinion the main reason is van Gaal's concerns about the directness and the physicality of the English game as he witnessed them in his first season in Manchester. We often played against sides with less quality, especially away from home, but with many runners who would get on the ball and cut through our midfield with ease. LvG tried to cope with all that and also deal with the lack of a clear DM who would close down the first attackers by changing formations by adding an extra CB (3-5-2) or a midfielder (diamond) in the central areas. When Carrick returned from injury and our struggles to protect possession in the attacking half forced Fellaini in the starting lineup, he resorted to the 4-3-3 with Carrick in the holding role.

This season he's found a player who can cover shiteloads of space and close down runners in Schneiderlin and he probably believes that by playing someone who can protect possession and get the ball forward with safety (Bastian and Carrick) next to him, he can protect the central channels and provide enough cover for the two CBs in those areas. It's true that in all our games thus far this season the opposition teams created chances from the flanks and not so much through the middle. In other words the Schneiderin+Carrick/Schweinsteifer midfield offers LvG the opportunity to use his favorite formation. He probably sees Herrera as a more adventurous choice there and a player who concedes possession more often than the aforementioned players.

But Herrera can still prove vital in LvG's plans, even in this 4-4-1-1. Right now we rely heavily on the four players up front to create chances and we use the two FBs as options to provide support and help to stretch the defenses. It's not working very well for a number of reasons with one of them being that our opponents don't consider Shaw and Darmian as threats. Plus they expect to defend crosses in the box with ease therefore they allow us spaces in the wide areas and retain a very narrow shape which suffocates Mata and Rooney and leaves little room for Memphis to play 1v1.

The good thing is that both our FBs are very solid defensively and they can both play more centrally, when the situation demands of them to do so, and operate as a third CB. If LvG instructs one of them not to go forward that much, then he will be able to "afford"a more creative and bold option like Herrera in the midfield without disturbing our defensive balance.
I love the way he has somebody as a 2nd forward yet we struggle to score.