Riots in Ferguson, St Louis

Not related to the Ferguson situation but here is another trigger happy US cop with dashboard video. At least he got booked and charged.

COLUMBIA, SC — An S.C. trooper who stopped a man for a seat belt violation outside Columbia and then shot him – apparently without provocation – was arrested Wednesday and charged with assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature.

Sean Groubert, 31, a lance corporal who was fired from the Highway Patrol after the shooting incident, now faces 20 years in prison if convicted of wrongfully shooting the driver, Levar Jones.

Groubert was booked Wednesday evening at the Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center. He was fired from the patrol last Friday.

Wednesday night, in a hearing at the jail, Magistrate Ethel Brewer set Groubert’s bond at $75,000.

A video of the Sept. 4 shooting incident was played at Groubert’s bond hearing.

The video shows Groubert firing repeatedly at Jones, who was not armed and who was not behaving aggressively. Jones was struck at least once, in the hip. He spent time in the hospital and is now out of the hospital recuperating.

He unloads 4 shots at a close range target and misses with all but one..In a petrol station. Being racist is the least of the reasons this man shouldn't be a police officer.
Either awareness about these kind of things are going up, or police are getting nuttier by the day. Apparently the police is an option for a lot of veterans coming back home from war, that can't help much either.
Either awareness about these kind of things are going up, or police are getting nuttier by the day. Apparently the police is an option for a lot of veterans coming back home from war, that can't help much either.
If they come home and think they might have some problems like PTSD or other mental problems, they are scared to report it because they wouldn't get these types of jobs and they'd be prohibited from having guns, so there are a lot are starting out with mental problems that they're hiding.
Either awareness about these kind of things are going up, or police are getting nuttier by the day. Apparently the police is an option for a lot of veterans coming back home from war, that can't help much either.

Awareness is definitely going up, the black and ethnic community and the police have had a difficult relationship for many years, but many crimes have been 'justified' or swept under the rug
With social media and phone cameras and the like we'll be more aware of these incidents, but I doubt anything will be done either.

There's a report that read something like police use deadly force against atleast 2 black men every week.
The figures were only given from like 700 out of 17,000 police agencies also so it's almost definitely a much higher number.
Well hopefully they win the lawsuit, otherwise dithering around when asked by law enforcement to leave the car would have been completely pointless and idiotic.

Just over a month ago from New York. Pistol whipping a 16 year old in the face after he stopped running and had his hands up.
Ferguson protestors at St. Louis Cardinals game met with Nazi salutes and racial insults.

Another incident in Chicago caught on video....

Speaking of Chicago, this decorated cop, convicted of torturing and beating confessions out of over a hundred African Americans in horrid ways in a scourge of terror during the 70s and 80s, gets off after just over three years with full government benefits, after costing the city $150,000,000 to defend him and pay for his victims. Jesus!

And this went on in Chicago. Can you imagine what went on in southern cities and infamously racist police departments like in L.A.?
Here they said the officer fired several shots. I heard he shot him 17 times. Even if it was defence, that needs to be looked at.

The officer did what he was trained to do: stop the threat. When a suspect raises the level of force to a lethal level, the officer is completely justified in using lethal force. The 17 rounds is the entire magazine. The biggest complaint about firing all of the shots is that he apparently only hit with 6-7 of them, but in a gunfight accuracy is usually terrible. In reality, trying to wound someone shooting at you is unreasonable.
The officer did what he was trained to do: stop the threat. When a suspect raises the level of force to a lethal level, the officer is completely justified in using lethal force. The 17 rounds is the entire magazine. The biggest complaint about firing all of the shots is that he apparently only hit with 6-7 of them, but in a gunfight accuracy is usually terrible. In reality, trying to wound someone shooting at you is unreasonable.
Reading back I've worded it poorly. Your response addresses part of what I was trying to say. Is 6-7/17 a normal rate? If not, the officer needs to be retrained. Are 6-7 hits needed? For instance, after being shot say 3 times, is an individual still dangerous? If not, that needs to be looked at. I'm thinking about danger to others nearby etc. If the kid did shoot first, and by all accounts he did, I have no problem with lethal force. This just sounds excessive.
Reading back I've worded it poorly. Your response addresses part of what I was trying to say. Is 6-7/17 a normal rate? If not, the officer needs to be retrained. Are 6-7 hits needed? For instance, after being shot say 3 times, is an individual still dangerous? If not, that needs to be looked at. I'm thinking about danger to others nearby etc. If the kid did shoot first, and by all accounts he did, I have no problem with lethal force. This just sounds excessive.

The accuracy rate depends on how close they were at the time of the shooting, light, environmental factors, etc. Most officers will never fire their weapons in the line of duty so when they do end up using it, they have little to no experience doing it and their reactions are unpredictable. Even the best shooters won't be nearly as effective when they're being shot at.

It also depends on where the person is hit. With adrenaline pumping and shock in effect, someone can still be dangerous after being hit 3 times. The guy in this case was apparently hit mostly in the lower body before being hit in the cheek. The shots to the legs wouldn't have incapacitated him or prevented him from shooting back.
The accuracy rate depends on how close they were at the time of the shooting, light, environmental factors, etc. Most officers will never fire their weapons in the line of duty so when they do end up using it, they have little to no experience doing it and their reactions are unpredictable. Even the best shooters won't be nearly as effective when they're being shot at.

It also depends on where the person is hit. With adrenaline pumping and shock in effect, someone can still be dangerous after being hit 3 times. The guy in this case was apparently hit mostly in the lower body before being hit in the cheek. The shots to the legs wouldn't have incapacitated him or prevented him from shooting back.

Also the shooter (cop) has adrenaline pumping as well. The spacing in terms of time between shots would be much shorter than most people think. The perp may have been struck six or 7 times but not hit six or seven times consecutively.
Lethal force is such a horrible term. Grow some balls and call it a killing.
I see them describing two different things. Lethal force can result in a killing but doesn't guarantee it. In this instance it did. Nothing about balls, at least for me.

Any force can be lethal. When they say "lethal force" they mean "attacking someone with the intention to kill". Don't have the balls to admit it.
Any force can be lethal. When they say "lethal force" they mean "attacking someone with the intention to kill". Don't have the balls to admit it.
lethal force = two words
yours = 7 words
Don't think it really matters the word kill is not used. Really has nothing to do with balls.
lethal force is commonly accepted legal lingo. People are smart enough to know what it means.
It's a weird, militaristic euphemism. The sort of thing Yanks can't get enough of.
It's a weird, militaristic euphemism. The sort of thing Yanks can't get enough of.

Its one of many terms that cops and legal people use. It would rather silly to expect them to use "murder" in a legal case where a cop legally shoots someone to death because they were in the process of pulling out a gun, so they use lethal force instead. Its a perfectly acceptable phrase when used in its appropriate context.
Its one of many terms that cops and legal people use. It would rather silly to expect them to use "murder" in a legal case where a cop legally shoots someone to death because they were in the process of pulling out a gun, so they use lethal force instead. Its a perfectly acceptable phrase when used in its appropriate context.
No it isn't because Americans use it and therefore it is bad, very bad

Edit: a quick google finds it used in many European sources that talk about eorupean and international law. Ooops
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Announcement on the Grand Jury decision coming soon. Missouri Gov. already putting the National Guard on stand by to assist police and protect protesters

The governor of Missouri declared a state of emergency on Monday, authorising the national guard to assist the policing of protests expected in Ferguson after it is announced whether a white police officer who shot dead an unarmed black 18-year-old will face charges.
Jay Nixon signed an executive order on Monday activating the national guard to support police “during any period of unrest that might occur following the grand jury’s decision concerning the investigation into the death of Michael Brown”.
Nixon had previously said he was ready to order national guard troops back into the St Louis suburb whenever necessary. In August, the national guard protected a makeshift police base at a shopping mall during nights of clashes between officers and protesters following Brown’s death in a residential side-street.
The governor said in a statement on Monday that the soldiers would help “maintain peace and protect those exercising their right to free speech” in the event of demonstrations following the grand jury’s announcement, which is expected in the coming days.
“The national guard is well suited to provide security at command posts, fire stations and other locations as well as perform other functions that will free up law enforcement officers to remain focused on community policing and protecting constitutional rights,” he said.